protective tony

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Request from Naomiplayz48   
Can people please send some requests in

Warnings: make out but not all the way
Ships: parley (obviously), slight ironstrange and some stucky.

Peters pov
I am exhausted. I just got back from a patrol and these really large guys mugging someone. They put up quite a fight. So now I'm in my room with a black eye.
I hear a knock at my door and harley my amazing, tall, blonde, and hot boyfriend walks in. "Hey darlin' " Harley says as he walks over to me. He examines my current state and let's out a sigh. "Oh baby what are we gonna do with you" he gives me a quick peck on the lips and starts to walk away. "Harls." I ask quietly. He turns around to face me "yes darlin'?"
He asks me with a confused look. "Stay please." "Ok baby" he replies and comes to sit with me. He turns me over so I'm straddling his lap. He starts to kiss me. I obviously kiss back and it gets heated, fast. Harley slips his tongue into my mouth and I moan into the kiss. He moves down to my neck and starts to give me multiple hickeys. As I start to take his top off we get interupted "dinners ready." I heard Steve yell from the kitchen. I groan but harley makes us get up to eat.

(After dinner still peters pov)
I was cuddled up with harley on the couch. This isn't making me any less tired but its still nice. I was wearing a science pun t-shirt and shorts I changed into after patrol. Harley was playing with my hair me starting to fall asleep when my dad walks in.

Tonys pov:
After I finnish helping Steve put everything away I walk into the common room to see Pete and Harley
Cuddling on the couch peter about to fall asleep when I see it. "PETER BENJAMIN STARK-STRANGE IS THAT A HICKEY!" I yell a little loud so steve and his boyfriend bucky walk in. And peter looks up at me with his eyes about to shut. "What dad n no it isnt" he replies shaking his head. "PETER IT CLEARLY IS ARE YOU HAVING SEX. OH MY THOR, YOUR 16 YOU CANT DO THAT, YOUR TO YOUNG I DONT WANT YOU-" I suddenly get cut off by little snores from my son. I look up at his boyfriend harley and give him a glare that nat would be proud of and walk away leaving the two super soldiers to deal with the sleeping child and the demon spawn that is my sons boyfriend.

Peters pov(ik I've done this a lot sorry)
I wake up on the couch trying to remember what happened. Once I remember everything I take a look around. I'm laying on a sleeping harleys lap and across from us are steve and bucky. I sit up and shake harley slightly. He jolts awake and gives me a look that says 'don't do that again or ill kill you' I giggle a bit and he smiles. Today will be great
Authors notes:
Sorry it wasn't all that good please send in some more requests

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