Ruel unintentionally watches you walk away. He just can't seem to look at anything else when your still in his sight.

Though reality soon comes crashing down on him when his phone goes off. He prays that it's not who he thinks it is, but that goes down the drain when he sees her name on the screen.

Mel. His girlfriend.

He sighs at her complaining about his tardiness to meet up with her. She wants him to meet her best friend, but he had absolutely no interest in doing that. He didn't even want anything to do with Mel herself, who was too blinded by his rising popularity to notice.

She had no idea their relationship was only for press, and to hopefully get his name out there even more. Those were Nate's goals, anyways.

He sends a quick, dry response, telling her that he's on his way.

The only good thing about this, was that he gets to bring one of his best friends along, so Mel's friend wasn't third wheeling.

Not that Ruel acts all "lovey dovey" around Mel when they're alone.

The rest of the walk to his car isn't long. He was only at the park to get some air. He needed it after being around Mel so much. And he was glad he decided to come here today, cause it led him to Y/N.

The girl that hasn't left his mind since they met just ten minutes ago.

Ruel watches the two familiar girls, that are standing just a few feet away, in surprise, with his eyes wide and his body tense.

No fucking way. The first words that pop into his mind.

It's you and Mel, talking about god knows what while waiting for Ruel and his friend to show up.

"I swear, i'm gonna kill this boy if he takes any longer." Mel scowls, glaring down at her phone.

"Maybe he's stuck in traffic?" You ask softly, not wanting to anger her any more. She can be real mean when she gets like that.

Mel looks up, and her eyes immediately land on the tall, lanky boy standing not too far away. She rolls her eyes. "There you are. What took you so long?"

Ruel breaks out of his trance at her words, but he almost freezes again when you turn around and meet his eyes.

A huge grin appears on your face as soon as you recognize him. "Ruel!"

This catches Mel's attention immediately. She looks between the two of you curiously, her eyebrows raised. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah! We just met actually, at the park I usually go to." You answer before he has the chance to do so.

Mel looks to you in distaste. "Were you feeding those stupid ducks again? I thought I told you that was too childish. You're almost eighteen, Y/N."

The smile on your face falters, as you begin to fiddle with your hands nervously. "I-I know." You respond quietly, staring down at your shoes.

Ruel glares in Mel's direction for the way she spoke to you. Some best friend she is. The hurt look in your eyes makes him wanna go off on Mel right now.

"I don't think what she does is any of your concern, Mel."

Yet again, he's spoken before he can stop himself.

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