Peace At Last

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Yooo it's your girl, pixarpnflover, back at it again with these PnF one shots!! Hopefully this time my writing is better and I won't cringe every time I read these over Lmao. I'm gonna start this off with a little sibling fluff cuz why not (it's cuz my sisters don't pay attention to me and I crave sibling love ok?) Anyway! Feel free to leave requests pls cuz I'm so low on ideas.

CATU spoilers!! (I'll try not to spoil too much tho)

Exhausted didn't even begin to describe how the Flynn-Fletcher siblings felt as they walked back home. Everything that happened that day seemed like such a blur as they replayed it all in their heads. Traveling to another planet, battling aliens, saving the world (again), and most importantly, reuniting and reconciling. After the long day they had, all they wanted to do was pass out in their rooms and not wake up for 15 hours.

But they couldn't do that, right away at least. They still had to eat dinner—the pizza that Candace suggested to her mom (instead of busting her brothers when she had the perfect opportunity). Not to mention the explaining they'd have to do since the events from earlier had left them bruised and scarred (physically and emotionally).

The three sat at the table just as Linda returned home with the large box of pepperoni pizza. "Well, it took forever, but I was finally able to get through traffic. There was some damage at the baseball stadium that kept—"

When she saw her kids, she was startled by their appearance. While they seemed fine, they were sweaty and dirty, some splotches of blood around their faces and arms. And there also appeared to be some odd green fluid on Candace's clothes that she didn't even want to question. "What happened to you guys?!"

"Oh, ya know.." Candace shrugged, leaning her face against her hand. "Rough housing."

"Right." Linda nodded skeptically. She knew there was more to the explanation than that, but she really didn't want the half-assed answers she'd be given. Perhaps she could get it out of them another time. "Anyway, I got the pizza you boys wanted. But I think you guys should maybe uh, freshen up first before eating."

"Probably." Phineas said, then reached down to pick up Perry, who was at his feet. "C'mon, let's go find some bandaids."

The three siblings stood up and walked to the stairs, unaware of their mother staring at them in confusion. She tried thinking of a better reason they were so...messy. But all she could believe for now was that it was "rough housing".

After they each changed into their pajamas and washed off the blood, they bandaged each other up and gave ice packs to one another for the bruises. Then they went back downstairs to grab their own slices of pizza, accompanied by breadsticks and garlic sauce. They sat down on the living room couch, deciding they would relax themselves with a movie.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Candace asked as she aimlessly flipped through the channels, unsure if there would be anything the three of them would enjoy.

"Anything but Space Adventure." Ferb said, making his siblings laugh a little.

Candace eventually found a movie they could watch, but she didn't pay much attention to the tv. She could hardly even eat her pizza. In fact, she wasn't focused on much else, her mind was still fixating on everything that happened to her. First, she had doomed the planet by mistake, and then she ended up being the one to save it.

But of course, that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for her brothers. The boys she usually saw as burdens, the boys who made her dread waking up, the boys who drove her crazy and made her feel like she was going insane at times. But they were also the boys who traveled across the universe to save her, even when she didn't want to be saved.

She sighed and set her plate aside, now glancing over at a certain mug she placed on the table beside her. The mug her brothers made just to cheer her up. Normally she never looked forward to their gifts, since they usually ended up exploding somehow. But this was a gift she found herself unable to dislike, this one was special. She'd never trade it for anything.

Candace slowly brought it into her lap, staring down at it with a small frown. Her brothers' words were comforting earlier, and she did believe they were being truthful, but she couldn't help feeling guilty. All they ever wanted was to make the most of their day, all they wanted was to make her happy. But all she did in return was push them away.

The boys soon noticed what she was doing, and could already tell why she didn't seem that happy anymore. "Candace? You okay?" Phineas asked in concern, setting his plate down.

The older sister nodded and wiped away some moisture from beneath her eyes. "Yeah, I guess." She replied quietly.

"You don't have to lie to us." The redhead frowned, slowly scooting closer to her along with Ferb. "A lot happened today. It's okay not to be okay."

Candace slowly raised her head and turned to look at the two, seeing the sympathy in their eyes. She moved the mug onto the arm of the couch, then extended her arms to them. They quickly rushed into her embrace, nuzzling against her affectionately. Phineas rubbed her back after hearing her quiet sniffles, knowing she needed to be assured that everything was okay now.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." She bit her lip, unconsciously tightening her grasp on them. "I almost lost you guys today. I almost lost..everything. I just don't know what I'd do if- if..."

She didn't need to go on (not like she could), the two could fill in the blank. Ferb reached over to press the button on the mug, allowing the holographic footages to light up and move around them in a circle. Candace lifted her gaze and smiled softly, pulling them in closer to her. "I love you guys." She said, "Please, don't forget that."

"We won't." Phineas assured her, opening his eyes. "As long as you don't forget that we love you, too."

Candace chuckled, "I won't."

The three held each other close, staring up at the memories in awe. After everything that happened, this was just what they needed to wind down. Not just the nostalgia the footages were bringing, but the affection they were giving. Candace wasn't used to feeling this loved. She was now crying for a different reason.

They watched the footages for a while, just getting lost in the memories they shared and wishing it could last forever. But since they were still overly tired from the battle, they had soon drifted to sleep on the couch in each other's embrace, allowing the little light show to continue playing above them.

Candace, being the last one to fall asleep, managed to drape a throw blanket over their bodies to keep them warm. She rested her head against Phineas' and yawned, closing her heavy eyes to allow herself some peace.

(So that was..average. Realistically they would've been a little beaten up since they were thrown around a lot, that's why I included that. Hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know if you want more!)

I Know What We're Going to do Today {Part II} |Phineas and Ferb One-Shots|Where stories live. Discover now