New Old World

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When I can see again, I find myself 40 feet above Tokyo. I can move again, so I do. Activating Full Cowl, I flip my body around so I'm feet first, and land on the hard asphalt. A split second later, something lands right next to me, creating a crater in the asphalt. 

"Holy shit..... never done that before." Kirishima says, pulling himself out of the crater he created. 

"Fallen from the sky, or got yourself jammed into a crater?" I ask, and he chuckles

"Both. Where are we?" Kirishima asks. Good question. Looking around, I see a familiar building

"Tokyo....... but something's off." I say, and Kirishima looks around then sees what I see. 

"Isn't that..... the Corsanto building?" Kirishima asks, and I nod. I pull my phone out my pocket, and check the time. What I see confuses the hell out of me. It's.......

"It's April?" I ask aloud, and Kirishima looks over my shoulder at my phone

"What the fuck? How is that even possible?" He asks, and I think back to what that guy said 

"Wait a minute. That guy, whoever he was, was talking about 'this dimension' Kirishima, have you ever heard about the Infinite Universes theory?" I ask 

"Yaomomo's mentioned in passing, but I got no idea what it is." Kirishima says, and I nod

"Long story short, it's the theory that there's an Infinite number of universes, all with slight differences between them. Like, you or me not being born. Or quirks not existing. Things like that. What if that guy sent us to a parallel dimension, as well as back in time?" I ask, and Kirishima shakes his head. 

"I'm not nearly as smart as you are, Midori-bro, but that sounds impossible! That would be an insane quirk." He says, and I sigh

"This is just a guess, Kirishima. I have no proof of this. This is nothing more than a theory." I say, and I suddenly hear a scream. Whipping my head around, I see some kind of rock villain attacking a pair of women. 

"GET AWAY FROM THEM, BASTARD!" I shout, leaping into action. Using Full Cowl at 16%, I kick the villain in the face, knocking him to the ground. 

"Who are you calling a bastard..... wait, you're male?" The rock villain asks, in a feminine voice

"No shit, Sherlock. What's your point?" I ask, cracking my knuckles. 

"How did you get here? All men are banned from Japan!" The villain says, and i freeze in my tracks

"Say what?" I ask, as Kirishima runs up

"All men have been banned from Japan for the past 130 or so years, ever since women began to show quirks. How did you get on the Island?" The villain asks, and I shoot Kirishima a look. 

"Tell us more. What year is it?" I ask

"It's 2148. April of 2148." The villain says

"Who's the number 1 hero?" I ask

"All Might. The symbol of peace! Are you kids idiots or something?" The villain asks

"We're the one asking questions. Where are all the males now?" I ask

"They were relocated to America, I believe. What does this have to do with anything?" The rock villain asks. I shoot Kirishima a look, and he nods. He hardens his right arm, and punches the rock villain in the face knocking her out. 

"I think that's proof enough for my theory, huh? So All Might is female...... god, that's a definition of a cursed image." I groan, and look around.I see at least seven or eight dozen women all filming us. 

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