Chapter 1: Snooze

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No, it can't possibly be time to get up already.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to cling to the last dredges of sleep as the alarm continued to protest. 

Five—No Ten more minutes and I'll get up.

My silent promises did not appease the incessant alarm, so after another few moments of willful denial, I leased a sigh and unfurled my hand from beneath the covers.

It took a few blind slaps at my bedside table before I made contact with my alarm and finally put an end to the insistent wail. I released another deep groan as my hand retreated back under the covers. Five minutes, I think I'd earned another five minutes of sleep before I had to get up to face the day.

It seemed like my eyes had only just closed when the alarm began screeching again. Son of a bitch. This time I slung the covers off my body, letting the cold air sink its teeth into my warm skin to help me finally open my eyes.

It took a second for my eyes to focus. My blackout curtains do I damn good job at blocking out the sunlight, but strips of orange curled around the edges, casting a warm glow on my bedroom.

Hold on--Orange?

My eyes shot to my bedside table, widening as they landed on the alarm clock that told me I was so late.

"Shit!" I hissed, scrambling off the bed. Holy hell is the chief gonna chew me out for this.

The thought of his scrunched nose and steel lined frown had me practically throwing myself toward the bathroom.

I ripped the baggy t-shirt over my head, almost tripping over the unholy mess that had become my room. I snatched my toothbrush and toothpaste from the counter as I darted toward the shower. I started brushing as I jumped into the shower, squealing at the icy sting on my warm skin.

This is my punishment, warm showers are for people that aren't late for work-- And on today of all days.

I hurried through the rest of my shower and quickly toweled off. I turned toward the mirror, wincing at the gaunt face  that looked back at me.  The bags under my eyes screamed lack of sleep with a side of stressed as shit. I can thank the last few weeks for that. It's been non-stop overtime and overnights that turn into 18 hours on the job.

I turned away. One battle at a time, first clothes then we'll fight my under eyes bags. I rushed out of the bathroom, grabbing my only clean pair of blues left from the closet.

I blindly fished around in my underwear draw and grabbed the first fabric I made contact with in the unsurprisingly empty drawer. Mental note: Laundry.

I pulled on the underwear and began fumbling with the buttons on the royal blue button up. I shimmed the dark pants up around my waist and almost tripped on my way back into the bathroom.

I need makeup or I run the risk of scaring the locals. These 3 extra minutes wouldn't go to waste on the hellscape that are my under eye bags. I swept some much needed concealer and followed it with my normal 'I'm late so hurry up' routine.

I ducked back into my room, eye darting to the clock as I moved toward my desk. Fuck, was time moving at warp speed right now?!

I stepped into my thigh holster, and slung my vest on as I turned to scan the rest of the room. I'm forgetting something...

My eyes landed on a blue folder and some unfinished report on my desk. I scooped them up and tucked the pile under my arm.

"Come on come on come on," I mumbled as I shoved my feet into combat boots and began lacing them up as fast as my fingers could manage. I finished, jumping to my feet to hurry into the kitchen.

I snagged a bagel and my keys as I passed by the kitchen table, trying not to drop any of the items in my arms. Folder, reports, keys... there's something else missing but I don't have time to wait and figure it out.

The chill evening air greeted me as I emerged from my house, moving like a madwoman to my car parked in the driveway. I threw the items from my hands into the passenger seat as I started the car. The engine of my Jeep roared to life as I set off on my forty-five minute commute into Raccoon City.

The sun was setting, meaning I should have left like an hour ago. That poor rookie that got stuck with me as a trainer must think I'm a grade A ass for leaving him standing in the station alone.

I devoured my bagel as I drove, and flipped to 103.5 to listen to what's happening in the city but only static greeted me. My fingers jimmied a few knobs before I gave it a firm thump on the top with no success, the radio just continued to hum with static.

Great, yet another thing in my life that needs fixing. Swell.

My mind drifted to Jeremy, and our shitshow of a breakup a few weeks ago.

I sighed, reaching into my vest pouch to grab my phone and see the slew of texts I'm sure he's left.

'Miss you.'

'Can we talk?'

'I went by the station but you weren't there.'

"Shit" I muttered, tipping my head back into the headrest as my hand came out empty.

Great, I left my phone at home again and there's no turning back, I'm late enough as it is. Awesome work officer shithead, you're totally not a complete mess.

At least I can in part blame my messy life on what's been happening at work these past few weeks. The city was bleeding, and crime was the highest it's ever been. Looting, assaults and...the cannibalism. My blood ran cold at the thought alone. It's been non- stop work for these last weeks, and even then it didn't seem to even put a dent in what was happening.

The more I give, the more it takes while greedily demanding more.

The rookie I'm training is in for a fucked up first few weeks. I glanced at his folder in the passenger seat. I hadn't even looked at it when it was first dumped on my desk a few weeks ago. I should atleast know his name before showing up over an hour late. I scanned the unusually clear highway before reaching for the folder and flipping it open

Leon S. Kennedy, 21, just graduated from the academy and requested assignment to Raccoon City to aid in the huge wave of murders and vicious crimes we were experiencing.

Ha, that's an understatement. This rookie must have some balls to want to be in this city right now.

I kept my eyes on the road while pulling off the paperclip at the top of the page and moving the top sheet aside. I glanced down at the second page, which had a photo of Leon attached.

His dirty blonde hair fell just below his cheek bones complimenting  the structured shape of his jaw and  straight nose. But what really stood out was his eyes. He had some of the most piercing blue eyes I've ever seen, like someone had bottled a new morning sky. I stared at the photo for longer than could be argued was casual. Damn, he's cute.

Wait- no. Absolutely not.

You are training this guy to replace you. I can't even fathom the shit I'd get from the other officers for even looking at him with more than a professional stare.

Besides, with the shit at work and the cringeworthy messages I'm getting from Jeremy I have absolutely no time for a crush.

I stole one last lingering glance at the photo before closing the folder.

I continued along the road in silence, trying to internally preparing myself for whatever fresh hell awaits me tonight. I can handle it, only a few weeks left and I'll be promoted to S.T.A.R.S. and we should be able to get a handle on the city before then.

After a while, the city began to peak over the horizon. A few small streams of smoke rose from the center of the city, stark against the purple sky behind it. The sun had finally dipped below the horizon, taking the last rays of light with it to leave the city in a darkness.

I put my foot down as I sped toward Raccoon City.

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