Chapter 8: Peeping Jane

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A metallic clang ricocheted off the  machinery around us. I whirled, half expecting to find some other mutant freak thirsting after us, but instead it was a single ladder, dropped from the catwalk above. 

"Claire?" Leon called out, his voice echoing around us. The only answer was the hissing from broken piping.

"Claire ran after the girl," I murmured, eyes sweeping through the space as I looked for whatever invisible helping hand dropped the ladder. Was someone watching us, or could it be a simple coincidence? Leon paused for a moment, probably mulling over the same question in his own mind.

After a moment, he shook his head. "Come on, I'd rather not find out how well Frankenstein can climb," Leon said, stepping toward the ladder.

I glanced over my shoulder, toward the railing the scientist had tipped over. Where did it lead? Hopefully we'll never have to find out. 

Leon motioned upwards as I stopped beside him, "Ladies first," he said, the ghost of a smile on his face.

"What a gentleman," I drawled, planting my foot on the bottom rung before climbing.

The ladder deposited us on the other side of the room the girl had been held up in, a room that was nothing more than a mess of filing cabinets, papers, and stray bits of metal. What in the world was a little girl doing down here by herself? 

We followed the catwalk, making our way around the space and passing through another a door at the far end of the room. It was damp and smelled of mold and mildew. A few lockers stood against the far wall, as well as a small table with some stray piping that snaked in through the wall. A ladder stood beside a bundle of piping and what looked like some kind of heater.

I stepped up to the ladder, gaze going to the manhole at the top. We can't possible be at street level already? Perhaps we weren't as deep as that dark stairwell had suggested.

I made my way up the ladder, stopping at the top to press my palm into the cool metal and heave it out of the way. Dim light poured in through the new opening,  and I glanced through the small crack I created toward the cement columns and slew of cars. The parking garage, we were in the parking garage. 

I climbed the rest of the way up, taking a step away from the manhole to allow Leon the space to follow. A lot of cars were still here, spread out in a skewed formation, some even sporting shattered windows and severely dented fenders. Not a soul was in sight.

Where's the Hell is Claire? If she caught up with that girl she should have waited here for us...

"She should be here," I said, chewing on my lip as Leon stood up beside me.

"Give it a few minutes, she might have had to chase the girl down," Leon said reassuringly, taking in the dark, damp space.

"Okay," I nodded, fingers tightening, "Let's get our exit plan in order so when she gets here we can leave right away." 

"What's the move?" 

My eyes went to the parking pass reader near the exit, the shutter barring our way fixed into the locked position.

"Don't suppose you have your parking pass?" I asked Leon, with little hope the answer would be yes.

"Didn't even send me one," he replied, hands raising slightly.

"Mine's still in my car," I sighed, carding a hand through my hair, "Alright, we'll search the cars in here for one. If Claire isn't back by time we're finished, we'll go look for her." Because I'm sure as shit not leaving her in this hell hole.

"Alright, works for me. Let's get to work." Leon turned on a heel, sauntering off toward the car closest to him, a small yellow sedan with a tie dyed pot leaf bumper sticker and a bobblehead dog on the back dash.

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