You have to hold back your laughter when the trampoline woman calls a jukebox an iPod- there is a huge difference between the two.

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You and Rose walk the ship together, but the two of you are unsure if you're allowed where you happen to be. "Sorry. Are we allowed to be in here?" Rose asks the woman in overalls and a baseball cap.

"You have to give us permission to talk." She answers. Rose looks a bit uncomfortable as well as confused.

"Er, you have permission." The woman in overalls smiles ever so slightly.

"Thank you. And, no, you're not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere."

"Okay." Rose still looks uncertain about what is going on.

"What's your name anyways?" You ask.

"Ruffalo." The woman, you're guessing is some sort of maintenance, answers.

"That's an interesting name." Ruffalo looks a little embarrassed. You then smile. "It's also fun to say. Ruffalo."

"I won't be long, I've just got to carry out some maintenance. There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Boe's suite. There must be something blocking the system. He's not getting any hot water."

"You're a plumber?" Rose asks in response.

"That's right, miss."

"They still have plumbers?"

"I hope so, else I'm out of a job." Ruffalo says with a slight smile. You, Rose and Ruffalo talk for a little bit. You and Rose allow Ruffalo to go back to what she was originally doing.

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The Doctor does something to Rose's and your phones, now they can call or text from anywhere in time or space. Rose calls her mom to test it. You, on the other hand, send a text to Sherlock and John. "If you think that is amazing you should see the bill." The Doctor says with a smile. You chuckle in response. Suddenly the ship shakes like an earthquake is happening. "That shouldn't happen."

"What was that?" You ask.

"Whatever it was it wasn't a gravity pocket." The Doctor then talks to the tree woman and she calls you and Rose the Doctor's wives amongst a few other things that are a little awkward.

You and Rose walk towards Cassandra, only you veer left towards the jukebox. You then start messing with it seeing what songs are on that thing, you find songs you know and somehow get the jukebox working- you had to kind of hotwire it and insert a coin for it to work. Yellow Submarine by the Beatles starts to play. "I haven't heard this song in many millennia." The Face of Boe says startling you.

"Face of Boe, you frightened me." You reply.

"Apologies Y/N." The way he talks is as if he knows you. You figure that he knew you five billion years ago if that was even possible. You and the Face of Boe talk for a while, Rose throws you the occasional glance but doesn't say anything. For the first time since she's known you, your guard is down and you're not looking over your shoulder every ten minutes. You sway in time to the music playing, occasionally singing along. Metaphorically speaking you're letting your hair down just this once.

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Someone has planted robotic spiders on the ship to sabotage the systems and pretty much kill everyone, and the person responsible for the sabotages is Lady Cassandra. "I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed. At arms!" Cassandra commands. Her attendants raise their guns.

Through Time and Space (Superwholock reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now