8 - The One Where Pippa Didn't Arrive on Time

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Anyone who knew Pippa Wilson knew that she got excited over everything. Reading brand new books, getting mail (even if it was only the newspaper), and so many more.

So when Hufflepuff beat Slytherin in the first match of the season, it was not an understatement to call her ecstatic.

The day was cold but sunny. She, Dove, Lynn, and Amy all woke at the crack of dawn and decked themselves out in black and yellow clothes. Compared to the other Houses, the Hufflepuffs tended to go all out when it came to supporting their friends. Pippa even painted a "GO CEDRIC!" sign and outlined the letters in gold glitter.

All bundled up, the four girls hurried down to the Quidditch pitch to get good seats. While there were a good deal of Slytherin scarves and hats, they looked insignificant next to the sea of yellow pouring into the stands. Many of the other Houses had also chosen to sport Hufflepuff colors, making their number even more impressive.

"This is great!" Amy said as she led the way to their usual spot. "Talk about Puff Pride."

"Hey Lynn, do you want to hold Pippa's sign?" Dove asked teasingly. She then sat down on the bench and opened a collection of poetry by Dylan Thomas.

"No," Lynn replied, her cheeks turning as pink as the bubblegum bubble she'd just popped. "No, I would not."

Pippa readjusted oversized yellow and black sweater. Her eyes eagerly scanned the pitch. A bit farther down, she could see the Gryffindors. Harry, who for some reason was sitting between Neville and Hermione, nowhere near Ron, waved to her. She waved back with a happy grin.

"Looks like I'm not the only one that's got a crush."

Pippa laughed with the others until it clicked. "What? No!" She stammered, shaking her head rapidly as her friends laughed harder. "No no no! We're friends! Nothing else!"




"You guys!"

This argument continued until the match began. Once Lee Jordan's voice rang out and the students began to cheer, they dropped it in favor of watching. Pippa, Amy, and Lynn screamed with their classmates and Dove occasionally glanced up from her book to ask the score. The girls took turns whacking her with the GO CEDRIC sign each time she did this until she begrudgingly marked her place and stood up.

"You three ruin my fun," she grumbled, rolling her dark eyes.

"You're reading poetry written by an old dude at a Quidditch match and we're the ones ruining the fun?" Amy asked. She looped a scrunchie around her bright red hair and stuck out her tongue.

Dove rolled her eyes. "I'm going to kill you, Cooper."

"I'll annoy you to death before you can manage to kill me."

"That's likely."

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts-"

"NO!" Dove yelled, holding her hands over her ears. "Lalalalalala!"

"Ames, you're kind of obnoxious," Pippa pointed out with a smile. She rubbed her arms and shivered, wishing she brought an extra jacket. The sweater, while festive, wasn't quite warm enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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