(Loona) Chuu and Gowon- Christmas Eve

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Gowon POV

December 24th

Loona's Dorm, Seoul, South Korea

It was a bitter winter evening in Seoul, South Korea. It had been snowing heavily for days, so the whole city was covered in a soft white blanket. It was mesmerising to witness in person.

Chuu and I had just arrived back at the dorm after a long day of practice. My legs ached from all of the dancing, and walking home just added to the discomfort. But I was so glad to be back home. Finally, I could relax. On top of that, we had a couple of days off work for Christmas, which we were both ecstatic about. We both loved dancing, but we loved our days off a little bit more.

I glanced back at our footprint trails as Chuu unlocked the door. They were already starting to freeze over. I slid my quivering hands into the pockets of my duffle coat. Chuu and I were wearing matching jackets, which made me internally happy. The snow gently shimmered in the moonlight like a sea of tiny diamonds.

The warm air of our dorm hit me as I stomped my feet on the bristley doormat. It felt like a big hug. Snow went all over the hardwood floor as we shuffled our way in. I tried to shove it back out the door with my feet.

Chuu laughed, also kicking at the snow.
"I think it's snowing in here too!", she said, stomping her feet as well. We grinned at each other. Chuu locked the door behind us.

"Unnie! Your hair is covered in snowflakes!" I exclaimed as I attempted to brush the melting flakes from her dark hair with my fingers.

Chuu scraped her fringe out of her eyes and laughed as she shook her head gently. "So is yours!"
Her hair cascaded round her shoulders as she smiled from ear to ear. She was so precious that I couldn't help but smile back.

We took off our boots and sat them against the wall. They were soaking wet. Snow is beautiful, but it causes so many minor inconveniences, like damp clothes and cold hands. Ultimately I didn't really mind. Winter was my favourite season.

Chuu and I were the only ones home. Some of the members had went to visit family and friends. Some were out of town completely for the holidays. So it was just us two, Chuu and I. I was hoping to have a really nice night with her. It was Christmas Eve after all. It had to be special.

"Chuu?" I said as I hung my jacket on one the brass coat stands by the door.


"What should we do tonight?" I asked her. I checked the time on my phone. It was just after 9pm. Plenty of time to do something worthwhile.

"Good question," Chuu said, tapping her pearly pink nails against her teeth. "Maybe we could make some food and put up some decorations?"

I liked that idea. Even though Christmas was tomorrow, not even one of the members had had time to decorate for the festive season. We were all so busy with our schedules. I nodded in approval.

Chuu gasped. "Let's make Christmas cookies!"

"I'd love to!" I responded. My heart skipped a beat in excitement. Who doesn't love Christmas cookies?

Since we were still in our practice clothes, I headed to my room to get changed.

I surveyed the closet carefully, looking for some festive looking clothes. It didn't take me long to find a red dress. It was lined with gold glitter and rhinestones. Vivi unnie had bought it for me for my birthday last year.  I had never had the occasion to wear it before so the tag was still attached.
Recklessly i removed the tag from the bodice and slipped it on. It felt so soft and silky. The skirt stuck out slightly because of the puffy fabric underneath. I gathered the fabric on both sides and danced around the room like a little girl. I didn't have much space to dance, but I was so excited for Christmas! I couldn't help myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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