He was so quiet. Abnormally quiet. I hated it.

"What happened to your face?" Harry almost whispered. It was the inevitable question I had prayed would never leave his lips. "You tried to cover it." His thumb brushed over the mark I had attempted to conceal with makeup.

I made an effort to turn away in a wince but Harry's grip wouldn't allow it. His touch carefully traced over my bottom lip.

"I didn't want you to worry. I fell...it was an accident." I forced.

I found it difficult to hold his penetrating eye contact. The frosty green keeping me captive, the colour beginning to harden. His eyebrows had creased into a deep frown, jaw tightening with my words. Anger.

I felt my hands start to tremble as his touch fell away from my face, Harry's body moving closer. My breathing was uneven, eyes focused dead in front of me. Soft lips brushed my neck before moving to my ear, our chests touching.

"You don't think me naïve enough to believe that bullshit, do you?" His raspy tone whispered.

My lips parted, eyes widening. Harry knew.

His looming presence retreated slightly from my personal space. Harry's height aided in the intimidation he held over me.

"I don't know what angers me more, the fact that you didn't tell me yourself..or who I actually had to find out from." Harry grimaced.

His words lingered, unable to find my voice. I had no idea how to respond, my dry mouth opening only to close seconds later.

"Bo, you were attacked." Harry's voice echoed. "He fucking hit you!"

His sudden raise in volume made me jump, triggering the tears spilling down my cheeks as I sobbed. We were still stood in his hallway, an area that had been occupied on a number of different occasions to steal playful kisses as Harry greeted me, tugging me inside his flat. But those images seemed so distant as I stared at the guy blocking the door.

"Do you know who told me?"

I remained silent as the darkness in Harry's eyes began to swarm, consuming the pretty green. It was frightening how quickly he could transform from gentle touches to harsh words.

"That fucker from your work, Dan." He snapped.

As the information sunk in I came to realise that Harry had never spoken to Poppy, it had been Dan. I winced as Harry's tall frame brushed passed me. I hastily followed after him before becoming frozen in the doorway that marked the boundary to the kitchen. He was over by the sink, head bowed, muscles contorting in his back through the material of his t shirt as he gripped the worktop.

"I need another drink." Harry mumbled to himself.

My heart sank as Harry turned to the vodka bottle on the side. I watched as he emptied the small amount left in the glass before filling it again with more clear liquid. My pulse was racing. The only other time I had witnessed Harry in a drunken state was when I was forced to take care of him, cleaning the injuries he had sustained from a fight. He had been playful, almost childlike on that night. But this was different, he was driven by anger and that frightened me.

When the glass was brought down roughly on the side I stumbled back. Harry swiftly turned, eyes locking on me as he moved forward. I didn't know what else to do...so I ran.

My legs quickly carried me down to the hall to Harry's bedroom. He was shouting at me. I slammed the door, panicking as his heavy footsteps were heard. Tears were trickling down my cheeks as I dashed over to the bathroom, hastily putting the wooden barrier between myself and the furious, intoxicated angel like creature.

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