The man finally left her with the family that so badly despised her. Agathe tried to keep to herself since she couldn't withstand a conversation with her supposed family. However, the man next to her hasn't removed his eye apart from her. It felt uncomfortable, but it wasn't long before the man spoke out.

"Agathe," he muttered. The girl didn't answer, and instead, kept her eye on the mirror. The man sighed, seeming disappointed by her lack of response. "You must finally grow out of the phase of yours," he continued. "It's not proper for a young lady like you to look so... hollow."With that last reply, Agathe finally turns her head towards him. The maiden quickly caught on the harsh tension between the two and walked away to me to help the rest of the maidens.

"If you knew what I go through every day," she snarled. "Then, your statements would have changed."The man quickly scoffs at the idea like an arrogant old fool. "When I do get out of my phase, Corban," she scuffled. "Then I'll live cheerfully murdering incident people, exactly how you want me to act. However, Zeus has already described me to the whole world that I am an uncontrollable monster, so why would I change that when it makes him happy. Our goal, of course, is to fulfill the wishes of our masters."

Corban quickly shoots a hateful glare by her sarcastic reply. Before things could have escalated any further, a young-looking girl grabs Corban's hand. Her eyes were big and light blue like the sea. Her hair was put up in a messy bun with pearls scattered through.

"Let it go, honey," she insisted. "She'll find her way through her demons soon."

Agathe looks at her, letting out a sarcastic chuckle, "You make it sound as if you truly understand what I'm going through." she scoffed. "You live in a captivating palace with children of your own, and a husband who loves you. I will never have that opportunity as you have!"

The girl's delicate eyes quickly turned fiercened. She let's go of Corban's hand, standing as tall as she could, but you could tell she was genuinely afraid. Agathe looked down to see the girl's hands shaking as she tried to hold her ground.

"You don't know anything! You talk like you know everything, but you don't," she shouted. "Why do you always have to act up like this?"

She looked as if she was about to cry, but was able to hold it in to not ruin her mascara. She steps down from the pedal stool, giving a cold stare at the young lady. Agathe barely passed her by an inch but still looked intimating.

"What a delicate flower you are," she sarcastically said, avoiding her question. "Listen carefully. You may inherit our power and have the hand the oldest of our kind. Only you shouldn't be talking to me as my superior. I see you nothing more than a mistake."

The young lady's eyes grow with fear faster than when she became fierce. She quickly fell back to Corban, which he wrapped his arm around her.

"I think that's enough," Corban hissed.

"I agree," Agathe responded sarcastically.

Corban, with the young lady, walks out the ginormous door, leaving her alone with the rest of the maids. Agathe sighed in relief to finally be left alone.

"Excuse me, miss," a shy voice muttered. Agathe turns around to see a girl, no older than ten, shivering in her boots. "I-it's time for your bath," she stuttered. "We're already behind schedule a-and it will save us some time i-if you could c-cooperate."

Agathe nods her head, letting herself be led by the girl to the hot spring. They quickly scrubbed off pieces of dead skin and washed her hair until it finally grabbed its smooth appearance. They quickly pulled her out of her hot shower into the cold atmosphere. She felt cold, but there's been times where she has felt colder than now. As Agathe tried to space out to forget about the chilly atmosphere. The young girl tabs her shoulder to grab her attention. Agathe turns her head around to the direction of the girl who still had the same nervous look on her face.

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