Season 2 Episode 11 - Playing Around

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Brooklyn is sitting at the table staring at the bag of drugs in her hand when Ben walks into the kitchen and Brooklyn closes her hand into a fist hiding the drugs inside her hand. Ben smiles at Brooklyn as he walks towards the kettle and says "Mornin, you're up early?" Brooklyn says "Couldn't sleep" and Ben makes his coffee and asks "Any reason why?" Brooklyn looks to Ben trying to hide her anger and trying to keep her emotions in check as she asks changing the subject "You seen Kieron?" Ben dryly chuckles and turns around and says "He's your Boyfriend, Shouldn't you know where he is?" Brooklyn stares at Ben with a serious look and says "I'm not playing around Ben" Ben sighs and says "He's at The Arches" and Brooklyn stands up and picks up her pink denim jacket and storms out of the house using the back door and Ben smirks.

Louise walks into the kitchen and looks at the back door that Brooklyn has just exited and that has just been slammed shut

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Louise walks into the kitchen and looks at the back door that Brooklyn has just exited and that has just been slammed shut. Louise asks "Where's Brooke?" Ben says with a smirk "She's headed to The Arches to find Kieron, something tells me that they arent going to be together" and Ben turns his back on Louise and continues to make his coffee as Louise looks at Ben with confusion and suspicion.

 Louise asks "Where's Brooke?" Ben says with a smirk "She's headed to The Arches to find Kieron, something tells me that they arent going to be together" and Ben turns his back on Louise and continues to make his coffee as Louise looks at Ben with...

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Kieron is under a car fixing a car when Brooklyn storms in and looks around but can't see anybody then she looks down and she sees Kieron's legs and feet. Brooklyn walks over to him and kicks his leg and suddenly Kieron rolls out from under the car and looks up at Brooklyn and stands up from the creeper with a huge grin across his face "Hey Babe" and Brooklyn stares at Kieron. Kieron looking at Brooklyn and noticing her furious look asks "You okay Babe?" Brooklyn says "Far from it!" Kieron asks concerned "Why? What is wrong?" Brooklyn digs into her jacket pocket and takes out the smal bag of drugs. Kieron's face falls as Brooklyn asks "Guess where I found this?! In your jeans! You're on drugs!" Kieron shakes his head and says "What? No! That ain't mine Brooke!" Brooklyn shakes her head and says "Don't you stand there and lie to me!" Kieron closes his eyes in sadness and Brooklyn says "Well? I'm waiting!" Kieron deeply exhales and he leans back on the car and looke at his furious, concerned Girlfriend and asks "You want the truth?" Brooklyn says "That's all I want". Kieron nods and says "Okay yeah, I take drugs but that shit ain't mine" Brooklyn asks in confusion "So you're into drugs but the bag of drugs that were in your jeans don't belong to you?! Such a liar!" Kieron stands up straught and says "No babe, I've never lied to ya!" Brooklyn slaps Kieron across the face and shouts ,"Thats all you've done! I cant even look at you! I need air" and Brookkyn turns on her her and storms out leaving Kieron and he throws the wrench his hand across the garage in .


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