chapter 1: useless and quirkless

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Today was an important day for izumi and izuku because today is the day they find out what's their quirks

Izuku:wake up mom wake up now comn(said as he was jumping on his parents bed )

Izumi: yeah wake up mom ,dad today is the day

Inko and toshinori, stel sleepy,:ok kids we are up

Inko: now go get dressed well I make breakfast.ok

Izuku/izumi:ok mommy

After all of them had breakfast toshinori went to work
Aka went to do hero as the hero known as all might the simple of peace


Three yagis were wating for the doctor to call them to tell them about there quirks.

Nurse:is yagi here!

Inko:yes.come let's go kids.

And they went in to the office for the most important moment in ther life.but the doctor had a face of sadness on his face.

Doctor:hello miss yagi i have some bad news and some good news so wich one would you like to know first.

Inko looked worried

Inko: t-the good news please.

Doctor:the good news that izumi has a realy strong teklieness qurik that its strong than the heroine green physic

Inko felt super happy

Doctor:the bad news that izuku is quirkless iam sorry little one you can't be a hero.

And with this sentence  izuku's world shattered like glass

When the three yagis went home toshinori was waiting at home to hear about his kid's quirk but when they came back toshinori see a happy inko and izumi. and a sad izuku.

   (Iam to lazy to write toshinori every time so iam going to neck name so when skele might is talking it will be toshi and in buff might a.m.k?k!)     

Toshi:hey how did it go inko?.

Inko:it went well izumi got a stronger version of my qurik the docter told us its even stronger than the heroine green physic.

Toshi:wow izumi did you hear that your going to become the greatest hero ever the next semple of peace even tomorrow we are going to train you but today we are going to party for you get ing a qurik you and your brother . Oh right inko what about  izuku?

Inko:he's qurikless sadly but it doesn't matter lets party!

Through out that conversation they forget about izuku
And from that day on his life of being neglected by his parents started

          (Time skipe)     

Next day:in preschool

Izumi is with her frinds talking about there new quriks

Izumi:guys iam worried about izuku he stills wants to become a hero even though he is qurikless  so any ideas on how we stop him?

Katsuki:how about we bully him?!
Suggested kaachan

All expet shoko :yeah

shoko:iam out of it i will not bully him. insted i will help him get sronger!

Shoto"smirking":             because you love him

Shoko"blushing red lik a tomato ":baka.

Katsumi:ok lets go.

Then every one went to izuke and izumi asked him a question

Izumi:hey izuku want to be a hero?

Izuku:yes and i will work super hard for it

Every one in her gang started to bet him bruning him freezing him and throwing him every way and kept calling him deku

   Or in other words useless

(Wow that was long any who thank you all for reading and dababydeku your the man if any one to read something good go to him now peace out mf

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