[Volume One] {Chapter Seven} Meeting Two Cute Girls

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Life in the capital was a complete change from my life until now. In the morning, although I woke up early from due to my habits, but since there was no need to hunt or make breakfast, there was nothing for me to do even when I wake up early. Since it can't be helped, I did my morning training.

After eating breakfast made by Correll-san and the rest, I studied for the exam. Although I said that, since I already knew all of the contents, I only checked and reviewed parts covering the exam.
After eating lunch, I finally had nothing to do. I roamed around the royal capital, I went to the plain and practiced magic. At any rate, it was hard to kill time.

Out of all those things, strolling through the capital was the number one time-killing activity. While I was walking around town, it was the first time since I was born in this world that I held money.
The currency in this world only has coins, there are no paper bills. It is because there is no technology to make bills that cannot be counterfeited.
The type of coins were: Stone coin, Iron coin, Copper coin, Silver coin, Gold coin, Platinum coin.
To make it easier to understand, compare it to Yen:

Stone coin = 1 yen (Less than a 1 USD penny)
Iron coin = 100 yen (~$0.83 USD)
Copper coin = 1,000 yen (~$8.32 USD)
Silver coin = 10,000 yen (~$83.24 USD)
Gold coin = 100,000 yen (~$832.36 USD)
Platinum coin = 1,000,000 yen (~$8,323.63 USD)
When converted.

Even though it was called a stone coin, they weren't at all like the stones you can find on the roadside. It was made from a marble-like stone, and honestly, its value wasn't even 1 yen. That part is very much like Japan's 1 yen.
Well, the yen conversion was also just an approximation, and will not necessarily always be this way.
Since I cannot earn money on my own yet, the coins were pocket money from grandpa. I received a few pieces of silver and copper coins and went out for a walk in the royal capital.

Still, as expected of the royal capital, it was huge, there were a lot of people, and there were also tons of shops. Since there were lots of opened stalls in the area, I walked around town while buying and eating grilled skewers. I also tried going to the magic item shop Sieg-niichan mentioned.
Honestly, when compared to the magic items grandma made, the items there looked shabby, and above all, it was expensive as well. That's why I immediately walked back out.
And while I was staggering around town, I deviated from the main street and stumbled into a back alley-like place. Because there were various shops in this area, as I was thinking of going windowshopping there... I saw a dark ally.
"Yes! Maybe this is some anime cliche where two guys are pinning some girls to a wall and saying have some fun with us.... that would be fun to kill them. Oh wait, grandma said I can't use Magic here in the capital. I'll just use my fighting training t-"
''Wait! Please stop!''
''You guys! Cut it out now!''

''Oo, scary, don't get so angry. I only was asking you guys to come play with us.''
''That's right, that's right. It'll be fun if you come play with us, plus you might even feel good, too.''
''Gyahaha! That's right!''
Oo... what a cliche*...
*Generic pattern.
If it's only picking up women, I thought of overlooking them, but somehow things didn't look good. It looked like they were going to somehow forcibly abduct the girls.

The people who were passing by the area averted their eyes and pass through without stopping. Well, the guys who were surrounding the girls were full of muscles and were wearing leather armor on their body. Since they were opponents an ordinary person would also hesitate to face against, it can't be helped, I guess.
''Ara. That young lady over there. Are you in trouble?"
Just in case, I call out to ask a question. If this was a misunderstanding, I'd be super embarrassed.

''Yes! I'm super in trouble!''
Among the two girls who were surrounded, a cute light brown shoulder-length girl shouted out. I approached the guys while thinking what kind of a reply was that.

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