Part 1

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The room was incredibly silent and only the tick of the clock and the soft sound of a ballpen continuously tapping the desk can be heard.

It was already 2 am- a time where one should be sleeping soundly and enjoying Dreamland. But here was your typical K-pop idol defying the body circadian rhythms and instead forcibly working out his brain cells for his non-stop projects.

"Ya, Sungjae-ya. Are you okay? You've been staring aimlessly for the past 10 minutes or so. We can just do this tomo-, er, later, you know" MosPick said as he lightly tapped Sungjae's shoulders to get his attention. He was actually used to such not-so-divine meeting hours, being a well-known music producer himself. But by the looks of the idol in front of him, he doesn't think their meeting could get any more productive, to say the least.

"I-I'm sorry, hyung... I blanked out. I'm okay, really. Where were we?" Sungjae quickly shook his head as an attempt to wake himself up. His eyes then darted to the clock hanging on the wall to check the time.


He only has five hours left before he is once again expected to be at the filming site for his upcoming drama, Mystic Pop-Up Bar.

"Hey, kid. I've seen that look multiple times in my many years in this business... and I'm telling you it doesn't do you any good. You'll be burn out anytime soon. Learn to rest, too. I know you are carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders but that doesn't mean you can't rest. Let's wrap up and finish this next time. We're on the last song anyways" MosPick tried to assure Sungjae with his words. He started packing his things up to show the younger one that he won't be changing his mind about ending their session already. It breaks his heart seeing artists like this. He knows Sungjae is professional and highly dedicated- but he also can see in the idol's eyes that he is getting tired. With such demanding industry, the least he could do is to let him rest a bit.

"But hyung, this is my lead solo. It has to be the best. I can't just-"

"No but's, Sungjae. Go rest. I'm well aware this has to be successful. Trust me on this one. A little rest wont hurt" MosPick finished packing and took a bow, to which Sungjae returned, of course. He gave a soft assuring smile before heading out.

Sungjae left out a deep sigh. He hated letting others see through him. This wasn't the image he wanted to portray. Yet these days it has been getting extremely difficult to retain that cheerful and playful Sungjae that everyone knows.

He misses his BTOB hyungs so much. Their remaining squad was great, but it will never be as great as being a complete BTOB. He had spent almost half of his life with them and it was hard to be suddenly left behind even if it was just temporarily.

He did way too many things at the same time before... probably even way more than what he has on his hands now. But he didn't mind back then because he had his older brothers' support.

Not to mention that he's finally doing an acting comeback soon. He doesn't want the pressure to get on him but sometimes he overthinks what the people's reception would be... especially since this will come out at the time that he's probably in the military already.

He won't admit it, but in reality he is scared.

Scared to show the world his solo music.

Scared to fail as an actor.

Scared to be forgotten by his fans.

Scared to cause disappointment to his parents.

Perhaps the only strength that he has right now is Joy.

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