-When You Meet Them- [Females]

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-You guys met through a playdate that your fathers planned with each other
-You guys could never be separated, until you guys got into 9th grade.
-She started hanging with PaRappa and the others and you started hanging with Rammy and the bullies.
-"Wanna know about that one time I defeated this one faker!"
-"You already told me..--"
*Taps shoulder
-"Oh hey Sunny"
-"I was wondering if we could hang out and be friends again?"


-Like how Rammy was born in hell you were born in heaven.
-Your doppelganger was hanging out with Lammy while you were watching over her.
-Lammy thought it was a little weird until she remembered she also had a doppelganger, Lammy decided that it was a good choice to call her up.
-She was instantly at the Chunky Burger in a snap.
-"See it doesn't feel good when someone does it back to you, does it?"


-You were the clothes designer for the Milkcan.
-Your friend, Katy would always talk about Lammy and she decided that It was time that you should hangout with them.
-You were dragged out of your little designer room and to Chunky Burger.
-Ma-San and Lammy were already seated so you two sat next to them.
-"So you must be [Y/N]."
-"And you must be Lammy."

🐈‍Katy Kat🐈

-You guys met through an ELA project.
-You guys never really got along until you guys started talking about Milkcan.
-"Oh! Oh! Do you know the band Milkcan? I've always wanted to go to their concerts but I always ended up trying to get the tickets when there instantly sold out."
-"I could help with that if you decide to actually help with project!"

💣Ma-San 💣

-You were Ma-Sans translator during the elementary school years.
-She honestly loved that you could understand her instead of mocking her.
-"(Thank you, [Y/N])"
-"Thank y- Oh, oops! You're telling me this! You're welcome, Ma!"

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