Chapter 13 - Confrontations

Start from the beginning

They were punching each other and kicking each other. The girl repeatedly punched Kelani over and over in the face giving her a bloody face. Then the girl said something else. 

And I swear for a minute there was something evil in her eyes. She flipped them over and Kelani repeatedly punched the girl in the body and face giving her broken bones and a bloody face. She kept going. The teacher pulled Kelani off the girl and she ran back and attacked her again. The teacher ran at the other students and ran with them into other rooms before Kelani could attack them to.

End of video.

"What the hell was that?" Tony said

"Did you see the look in her eyes? It's almost as if something took over her body." Nick said

"That is not the Kelani we know" Shawn said

"I can't believe she did that to an innocent girl" Pietro said

"She had no right to do that to that innocent girl" Steve said

"She is not going out at all during her two weeks exclusion" Bucky said

"We can't put her on lock down" Alice and Jasper said

"Well she just hit and hurt all those innocent people it's not right is it?" Henry said

"Who agrees to have her sit down and talk about why she did it when she gets back?" Liam and Shuri said.

"We all do" Clark and Billy said

"Now all we have to do is wait" Natasha said

Kelani's pov

I was at in the library reading my book and all of a sudden Chad, Sydney, Emilia and Britney walked up to me. 

"Hello whore why are you here?" Sydney said

I ignored them.

"Hello whore can you hear?" Emilia said

I ignored her.

"Hello stop being a black bitch" Britney said

"Fuck off" I said

"Listen hear nigger go back to your country you piece of-"

Chad didn't get to finish his sentence as I kicked him in the groin and he fell to the ground. Then I got my books and Hit Sydney and Emilia round the head with the books repeatedly. 

"Leave me alone, I hate you, you racist bitches" I shouted.

I smashed Sydney and Emilia's heads against the desks repeatedly hit their heads against the desks till the face was like a bloody pulp. I tied my hair up and punched Britney over and over again. She punched me repeatedly and I couldn't get to her. 

She looked at me and said "They don't love you, they could never love someone of your colour, they are just going to leave you once they are done with you. They don't love you or want you. Your parents killed themselves because they couldn't stand the sight of you. I heard about your ex boyfriend Tory about he got you pregnant and killed your bastard baby. Good I'm glad he killed your baby, you will never be a good mother." 

That was it for me never speak about my fucking child, I don't give a fuck about he rest but never speak about how I lost my fucking child. I flipped us over and it was like this strange surge of evil energy washed over me. I wanted her dead and I wanted her dead now. I broke her nose and made it bleed and her mouth bleed and her face had all bruises all on it. I broke her ribs but I didn't stop for nothing and no one. 

The teacher pulled me of her and I attacked the teacher and went to attack Britney again but the teachers pulled her and the others away. 

She looked at me and said "Your excluded for two weeks go home"

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