3 - Memories

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(an: i forgot paragraph breaks exist whoops. also contacts for Bucky: Dickhead is Sam and Stevie is Steve)

James ran up the stairs to their apartment, cursing the stupid broken elevator all the way. He reached the door and fumbled with the keys for a bit before opening the door a little louder then he meant to.

"I thought it was supposed to be an all day thing?" Natasha said from the couch without looking up. She had graded assignments in a pile on the coffee table and ungraded ones in a messy lump next to her. 

"Sam had to go do... something, so we had to cut it short." He answered her before grabbing a plum from the fridge and plopping down on the carpet.

"Did you get your dorm assignments?" Natasha said with an evil grin. 

"Oh, for fucks sake, I knew you had something to do with it," He grumbled at her, but it is hard to be intimidating when you have plum juice all over your face. 

"I'm just trying to move things along." She said absentmindedly.

"By forcing us to dorm together? How did you even arrange this, anyway?"

"You know me, I just asked some people and they were more then willing to change it up." She said. 

"Asked some people?"

"Yes, totally didn't threaten them at all." She said with a chuckle. 

James groaned and ran his fingers through his shoulder-length hair. "But did you really have to do that?"

"You can always change later if it doesn't work, which it will."

"What are you trying to achieve with this, anyway?" He asked before wiping his mouth and throwing the core in the trash.

"True love's first kiss," She half sang with a grin.

"Not gonna happen," He shot at her. "You and Sam need to cut it out, seriously."

"Pft, I didn't even involve Sam this time."

"Well, you have before and its damn annoying." He said and shut himself in his room before she could retort. 

James and his sister didn't always get along, but Natasha had supported them financially since he was born. His mother, Winnifred, had died in childbirth, and their father was absent for as long as either of them could remember. When he was younger, he had asked why they didn't live with Natasha's parents, and soon learned to not ask about her family. As far as they knew, their father and Natasha's mother were vampires, but his mother wasn't. 

They had moved to Brooklyn from Shelbyville, Indiana when he was five and Natasha was twenty. She enrolled him in the local K-12 school where he met Steve, and Sam a few years later. The three of them clicked instantly and did everything together, including getting into fights. Many a time they had been sent to the principals office, Steve with a black eye and Sam sporting bloody knuckles. The problem (it wasn't really a problem, just a reason) was that Steve couldn't stand bullies of any kind and Sam would never let his buddy be out numbered. If you teased or catcalled at their school, you had to be prepared to get jumped by an angry chihuahua of a guy and his best friend. James put up with this for the most part, sometimes even helping them out, but he really wished the two of them would at least TRY to stay out of trouble. 

His phone buzzing pulled him out of his day dreaming. He fumbled to open it up and check his texts. The notification was from the group chat with him, Sam, and Steve.

Dickhead: guys we got the date wrong

Stevie: wdym 

Bucky: what date?

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