Rambling Autobiography

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I was born September 5th, sharing a birthday with Freddie Mercury and sharing a few other things with him as well. I adore my closest friend and senpai Alex who is a great rat-person. I bought a lot of useless things that I'll never use because they looked pretty. I have lied to most people in my life. There's very little that I haven't done. The items more important to me are my keyboard and a stupid stuffed pig. When I was 13 I was the kid who jumped on tables and just screamed. My favorite places are my rooms at my houses. I can still smell the strawberry soap I dumped in my eyes last week. I've dated my fair share of weirdos. I gave my all to the wrong person, but I don't regret it. I once cut my down-to-my-hips hair in the school bathroom at recess. I have been mostly a disappointment to those around me and to myself. I want to be something to someone. Maybe to myself. I often think about my friends and weird things like Shrek and Bidoof's freak child. I mostly regret being an awful kid who picked fights more then I should have. I constantly do stupid things that I probably shouldn't. If I could change everything, I would. I wear lots and lots of cosplays. I am doing my best to like others. Hopefully some day I'll also like myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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