Chapter 11 : Parents never Leave their Kids

Start from the beginning

Then the sound of the doorbell rang. Appearing with an old man in the suit with a five-year-old boy, hand in hand.

'Dylan?' An old man called.

'Professor Bogum,' a seventeen boy surprisingly exclaimed.

'How come you're doing here, Dylan?'

Dylan rubbed his neck shyly. 'I'm just looking for a present for Judy,' he admitted.

'Judy? Judy Kim? For her birthday?' Bogum asked.

Dylan half chuckled with a heavy chest then admitted eventually. 'No. A present for our baby. We're having a kid.' Better not to spread to him about her getting aborted kid, he thought.

'What? Judy's pregnant?' Bogum was totally surprised.


'I can't believe it. I...I mean I didn't expect you're getting a kid so fast.'

Dylan awkwardly chuckled then he clapped his thighs, forcing a smiley to his face. 'Think I came in the wrong place. There's absolutely nothing for teenagers can buy. Perhaps I'd better find somewhere else. Have a nice day, Professor Bogum,' he said and walked to the front door.

'Wait,' Bogum immediately called out to stop Dylan. 'Let me pay it for you,' he suggested.

'What?' Dylan dropped his hand from a knob, staring at the other amazingly.

'Well. Judy'd be so grateful if her kid's father gives her a luxury present. Probably as a present for her—for you two's wedding in the future, too. Let me pay a nice one for you.'

'I'd love to, but it's too much. I can't.'

'Don't you want to see how she's reacting when she gets this present,' Bogum said and Dylan hardly had a consideration. 'C'mon. Just take my help as you two are my favorite students.' He pulled Dylan's arm to the glass cabinet again.

'Just pointing which one you want. I'll pay it.'

Dylan wanted to decline how grateful his teacher was, but deep down he knew this was a rare opportunity that was once in a blue to his life. He decided to take a look at jewelry again while Bogum was also looking for his wife. (Actually, to say sorry to his wife as he made a very huge mistake for her.) Dylan never got too much money to spend on this kind of stuff before, nor did enter to this girlie store. But since his girlfriend told him she was pregnant with him and going to drop his baby. He would rather not to wait to change her mind. He had a bunch of words to beg her. Besides, he planned everything in the future with her already. He loved Judy and even his unborn baby.

'I can't. I don't know which's one good for her.' Dylan turned at Bogum but he's disappeared off to take a call outside.

'What about this one?' a five-year-old boy finally made a word, tiptoeing as pointing to a flower pin in a glass cabinet.

Dylan looked down to a boy and up to a pin. 'Which's one?'

'A daisy one?' A boy pointed.

'I don't know what daisy looks like,' Dylan honestly admitted.

A little boy rolled his eyes. 'A flower one with a yellow circle in the middle and white leaves. Are you blind?'

Then a bored salesman put the pin he was mentioning out from a cabinet and handed it to Dylan.

'Why Daisy?' Dylan asked a little boy as studying a pin thoroughly.

'Idiot,' a little boy quietly growled. 'Your name is Dylan and that pin is called Daisy. It's a D-word. Don't you think it would be better to give someone a present that says your name? Plus, maybe your kid would be a girl?' he eloquently qualified.

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