Am Pathetic

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Am pathatic

do you know why?

its because am so weak

because even though i know you dont love me

and even though i dont know how many girld you've kissed

since that day we broke apart,

its barley a month

and am breaking so bad

i want you back

even though i pushed you away

but to hear you say my name

is so much better than to not hear you at all

for you to talk to me

for me to listen to the tone of your voice

for you to hug me

for me to count your heart beats

for you to laugh with me

for me to forget every bad little thing on earth

for me to be peacful, calm and happy

i want you back

even though i pushed you away

would you take me back?

how pathatic is my last question?

wy should i want him back?

when he doesnt even care if i live or die?

am so pathatic

i hate you

oh...a lie...again

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