2nd mask; Faded questions.

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have you forgotten me?

the one that you always join,

talking and walking with glee,

or is it gone in the ocean like a coin?

have you not longed for my presence?

have you ever tried to find me?

or did you remove me from your life essence?

are you sad when I'm gone or happy?

Have you ever not cared for your friend?

did you only use them for your entertainment?

for the reason that you feel the terror see a fiend,

and used them to cage it for your contentment.

I am just sitting here and observing,

yet, little by little, I feel lonely,

for the reason I saw you dying,

and I feel a little bit melancholy.

and now, I have one question for thee,

before you leave this world to me

have you forgotten me?

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