A Secrete Revealed

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Silver's POV

"Don't feel that way. I'm always with you. I love you and you know that." I told him and kissed his soft lips. I let his tongue in.

Narrator's POV

The two boys a were in a hot make out for a while. Shadow placed a hand on Silver's waist. Silver climbed on top of Shadow. He returned to kissing him. Shadow teased Silver's member by brushing a hand on it. Silver gave a soft moan.

Shadow placed a hand in Silver's pants heading for his member. Silver disconnected the kiss, and looked down at Shadow's hand, then at Shadow who had a smirk on his face. Shadow pulled Silver down again for another long kiss.

Once Shadow got to Silver's now hard member, Silver gave a nervous moan. Shadow broke the kiss and hummed.

"Mmmm, some one's hard..." Shadow said looking down into Silver's eyes.

"Shadow, please stop... Some one's coming." Silver warned.

"This time only okay?" Shadow asked. Silver's cheeks flushed red. He wanted to nod buy climbed off when the door opened. It was Shadow's dad.

"How's my boy doing?" He asked. "Oh, Silver your mom wanted to talk to you." He told Silver.

Shadow's POV

I smiled at my dad. He raised a brow.

"You've got some explaining to do young man..." He said. I sighed.

Silver's POV

"Is there something between you and Shadow going on?" My mom asked. I looked down.


"Well, yes. Its not too serious. We just started when we had dinner together. He just drug me into it. I don't care what you think, I'm still not leaving him."

Shadow's POV

I got a big hug from my dad. I hugged him back. "Well, you're happy. When you're happy, I'm happy."

Silver's POV

"Thank you mom." I said as we undid the hug.

"Now, let's go see how your boyfriend is doing." She smiled. We opened the door. I came to hug Shadow tightly. Shadow's dad looked at us.

"Shall we leave you two alone?" They asked us. I smiled.

"No, stay here with us."Shadow replied.

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