Chapter 10: Dabi

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This again does feature some OOC behaviour
Also I'm pretty sure there's several mistakes in this, if you see any can you please comment about it. Same applies for future chapters, I'm struggling to maintain good writing here and at school

Shoto finally agreed. Well, sort of. He wanted to meet the League, no clue why. Only Twice knows I'm introducing him, but hasn't said anything. I really can't be asked to tell everyone, so I may as well leave it a surprise. I walk into the League's hideout, a hoodie on and a few bags in my hand. I go to my room and go to the bathroom, to wash the makeup I have caked on my face off. With the hoodie and heavy foundation, it's surprising that no one recognises me still. I take the hoodie off and chuck it onto my bed as I leave the bathroom. Shoto is sitting on his 'bed', reading a book.

I pick up the bags I came in with and throw them over to him. He marks his page in the book, and closes it, then starts rooting through the contents of one of the bags. "What's all this for?" He asks me. I explain as he examines all the bags, "clothes. You haven't changed for the past few days, it's not pleasant. They should fit well enough." He looks through the contents of the last bag, a slightly smaller one, and from a different shop. He brings out black hair dye, and a few different shades of foundation, with a beauty blender to apply it all. "Makeup? Hairdye? Is this yours?" He questions me further.

I tell him, "you need to dye your hair if you're gonna join, so you're not recognised until the time is right. It's temporary, so you can wash it out when we want you to be noticed. And the makeup is to cover your burn. Again, you don't need to wear it when we reveal who you are." He smiles at me slightly, "you definitely have a flair for dramatics, don't you?" I grin back, "you should change. I have deodorant in the bathroom, you need it." His face goes blank, and I snort. He gets up and goes into the bathroom, with some of the clothes I bought in hand. He comes out minutes later, his old clothes in hand. He puts them with some of my dirty clothes in the corner, and says, "I did put on deodorant for your sensitive little nose." We both laugh, and I open the door to go into the bar.

Chaos. Complete and utter chaos. Toga is trying to put up a banner, which seems to say 'Welcome to the Black Parade'. She's standing on a table, with Sako making sure she doesn't fall. Iguchi has has a chocolate cake, and Bubaigawara is running around, seemingly making sure everything is going to plan. He looks at Shoto and I, and drops his clipboard. Shoto, being a compete clown, asks, "oh, you threw us an engagement party?" Toga falls off the table. I sigh. "Shoto, you be quiet, and Bubaigawara, what the fuck is this?" He shrugs, and rubs the back of his neck, "well, I kind of let the real reasons for you wanting to recruit the Todoroki boy, and that he's seeing us today, and Toga suggested this..."

I grab him by th collar of his suit, "how the fuck do you let something like that slip?" Toga gets up and answers for him, "I got him to tell, don't hurt him. All of this is my fault, okay?" I begin to walk over to her, but Shoto grabs my sleeve, "there's no point in incinerating her, they probably would have found out anyway. Also, they have cake." I sigh, once more. "Can someone explain the banner? I don't get it." At that second, Kurogiri appears and says, "I don't see why you had me take such a huge risk for a speaker and some sugar infested food." Toga grabs it all from him, and gets her phone out. She connects her phone to the speaker, and a song comes on. All I can identify is that it starts with a G note.

Shoto's POV

I was under the impression that the League of Villains were dangerous. They don't seem it. The villain that knew about my relation to Toya, Twice, and the blond girl, Toga, spend ages dancing to different songs, with the other masked villain, Mr. Compress, occasionally join. It didn't strike me as something a wanted crime ring would do. Toga sat dome next to me, "hi." I put down my drink and looked at her, "hello." She asked me, "you're friends with Izuku Midoryia and Ochaco Uraraka, right?" She grinned at me while asking. "Kind of. We're in the same class, and I've spoken to Midoryia a few times, but nothing much else." She keeps that psychotic grin plastered on her face.

She spent ages asking me questions about them. She wanted to know everything. So I just answered her blankly. The questions started getting really personal, and I refused to answer any further. Luckily, the leader of the League saved me from becoming a pale, blood drained corpse. "What's all this shit?" He groaned. Toya answered, "Toga forced every one to throw a party once Twice told her that I was bringing Todoroki here." Shigaraki turned to Twice, "why wasn't I told?" He figeted and answered, "well, I'd also have to tell you that Dabi is actually the son of Endeavour.." Twice laughs nervously.

Shigaraki tuts and just leaves the room. "That went surprisingly well," Mr. Compress comments. Toga turns the speaker up and puts on a different playlist. I know a few of the songs, but don't say anything about it. A song I know by Set It Off comes on, and I tap my foot gently to the beat of the song. Toga and Twice notice I know the song, and try drag me up to dance. Toya and I knew we should just get some cake and leave by that point. We walked into his room, each with a plate of cake. "I'm so glad you didn't let them drag you up to dance. That would have been horrifying," Toya says as we sit down. I nod, "they probably also assumed I like it because I can relate to it."

He blinks at me. "Isn't Wolf in Sheep's Clothing about a lover betraying someone or some shit?" I nod once more, and he looks confused. "The betrayal thing," I explain. He finally gets it. We eat the cake and leave our plates on a table. It was surprisingly good, considering they probably either made it themselves or got it from a dodgy shop. I played back on my makeshift bed, and was about to close my eyes, then Toya said, "I'm starting to regret bringing you here." This confuses me. What does he mean? Did I do something wrong?

I just calmly ask him, "why?" He sighs, and answers, "you shouldn't get involved in my life. It's dangerous, full of amoral decisions and mindless crime. You want to be a hero, and all I'm doing is directing you the completely wrong way." I smile slightly, "not completely amoral. You didn't take me away for any selfish reasons, you wanted to save me. And you did. If you really want me gone, we can talk about it tommorow." He nods in agreement, and turns over, falling asleep. But I don't, I can't. Not because of any feeling of dread that I may have to leave what feels like a paradise to me, but the tapping on the the window above Toya's bed, andy father's face looking through it.

Word count: 1258

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