the beggining

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Hi im Joshua and this is the story of what happened to me but nobody still believes me .It all started when i was going out with my family the day was rainy and we all felt like going home but then i studdenly got the feeling that i should go into this old closed mechanical shop,i told my friends that i would check it out and come back in just a few minutes i read the the old commersial poster,"he who loves adventures are in luck because its the time you will never forget" i just shrugged off and ripped the poster and put it into my pocket.i went through one of the old broken windows and snuck inside it was old ,cobweby and had lots of rusty old things inside i imedietly got out because i told my friends i would be out in a few minutes as they were waiting for me but i never took that place out of my mind.

When i arrived home from my friends truck i went inside my parents house and told them about the old mechanical shop.They asked me why i wanted question but they sighed and told me that i should never go there because what goes in never comes back out in the middle of the night .Me as a teenager i didn't believe in that stuff but what i did believe is the fact that i got the erge to go in there so tonight i made plans to go there .

When it was the middle of the night i snuck out of my bedroom window and down the pipe with my bag that was filled with snacks and books on the place ,in my hand was a flashlight i took my mitorbike and headed out onto the dark streets.i felt nervous but ready.When i got to the place a certain glow came from the inside of the shop i stepped goward slowly towards it util i saw were it came from .From tge top shelf of the shop was an old box and it was lit up .I got inside and picked it out of the shelf i blew away the dust and a note was attached on the box i opened it and read it,"who ever reads this do not open or you will be in danger your family,friends anybody you know will loose you if you find yourself opening this at dead of night at 3:00 am which i know you will be tempted to .you must find me through the box and i will be returning you to your original self goodbye".i thought to myself on what posibly he could mean but he was right on the tempting bit thats when disaster strook i opened the box and the bright flash light turned red and before i knew it was normal but i could feel myself drifting away from my body thats when i looked at myself and i was in the middle of the wall am i a ghost?,.How is this possible? ,how am i ever going to get back into my body? And the biggest question how will my family react if they found i never returned home?.i frekead out and took the note frkm the box and went home i slipped past the door and went to my bedroom i wrote a letter and stuck it on my draw .

The very next morning my mom came into my room "wake up sleepy head" and pulled down down my blanket she screamed and my dad came up to see what all the fuss was about "were is our son?" He ran downstaires and contacted the police.i sat in the corner and loked on the worried look on her face i blew the note onto her lap she picked it up and read it ."dear mom,i am sorry but when you told me never to go there i did in the middle of the night i saw an old box that glowed it pulled me in and now im a ghost you cant see me but im here if you know anything on how i can turn back write on a new paoer and hang it just over the drawer thats were i am".she smiled and wrote something on the paper she hunged it over the drawer and i read it from moms angle the paper was floating and she knew i was there."dear son thank God your half alive and i know just how to fix you but it will have to wait a bit until i fix your father he won't believe me but trust me i will help you". She left the rokm and i went to follow her to hear her with dad."Michael don't worry our  sons alive remember when my brother turned into a ghost and came back thats what happened to our son and i will help him get back to his body" mom said smiling at him."i never believed in your brothers or your mothets transformation  they are dead are you in depression my darling i will call emergency help if you need it in 48 hours if he doesn't come back im afraid he is dead" he sat alone in the living room i could feel his emotion but i slipped away into the darkness to find my mom i quickly showed her the letter from the box and she said "thats the key to get you in and find the owner lets by going tommorow to the old mechanical store and from the box you must go alone" she started to pack some things for tommorow.This night she stayed with me and asured me that everything was alright.

When the beautiful morning arose my mom found an excuse to my dad that she wasn't going to come back in 7-8 hours.when we stepped foot outside of the house we felt nervous.When i got to the old mechanical store i wanted mom to come with me but she couldn't she wrote yo me that i must go inside open the box and push the button it will suck you in the box and from there you must find the man named Norman Billingsely.He will put you in the machine and turm you back i will be waiting here ,i wont leave you i will tell you everything when you come back i promise goodbye my dear son i wish you the best of luck".i kissed the paper and off i went to discover this new adventure.

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