Small Bits

76 11 107

1. Who Are You? (I added this one... felt like I needed a fitting first question xD)

Oi I'm Draven, nice to meet you :3

1,5. Under or above 18?

Above, not much though

2. In which country do you live?


3. Your Zodiac sign?


4. Favourite movie?

That changes a lot... though Spirited Away is always on the list as well as Howl's Moving Castle :3

 though Spirited Away is always on the list as well as Howl's Moving Castle :3

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5. A fact about your personality

I am an extrovert on the internet and more introvert outside... unless you know me, I'm all extrovert with my close friends!

6. What I hate the most about myself..

That I can't get myself to not care, what others say or might think..

7. What I love the most about myself..

That I've come this far that sometimes I can get myself to not care and stay true to myself...

8. My idea of a perfect date

I don't know... eating something delicious together, just hang out or ...uhm... just see where the day takes us? (Even I am uncreative sometimes... no... maaanyy times xD)

9. Description of someone I hate

People that have like a thousand friends but not a single real one...

10. Reason I've lied to my friend

So they won't be sad or anything because of me..

11. What I hate most about school

Knowing that it's over someday and you have to think about your future...

12. What words upset you the most

Do you also listen to other kinds of music? You know.. good music?

13. Where would you like to live

Somewhere east... far east..

14. One of my insecurities

not being confident.... and that god damn inherited dark circles underneath my eyes that make me look like a swamp corpse sometimes xD

15. My favourite ice cream flavour

uhm... currently... yogurt
And choco mint... don't at me xD

16. Last thing I ate

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