Well hi

346 3 17

"I dont know why but Umbrella and Shuriken has very similar backgrounds..."

Idk who said it, but because of that comment I'm here now and you see this. I don't know if this true or not.

Um... What else I can say?

Did you know, that "bog" in Russian sounds like "god" now live with it. (I'm Russian, I know what I'm talking about)

Friend: You said it only because you want to know if there's another Russian, who knows about RHG, right?

Me: What? Pfft! Of course no! It's just interesting fact!

Friend: Said, who is Russian. From Estonia. Who's always alone. Without friends. And now you're talking to yourself using Google translator. Eventually, you'll stop writing about RHG here and will tell an event from your unnecessary life. You're just looking for someone to talk about fandoms because others don't know those fandoms!

Pls, talk with me... Someone ;w;

Discord: Huhunder#5445 (Psst! I have another soc network!!! It's not an ad! I swear!)

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