
This starts the episode of Chicago Med

"Ethan, this isn't necessary" I tell Dr. Choi as he got me situated in a room with an oxygen mask. "Yn, you swallowed a lot of smoke, okay? You need this. Please just listen to me" Ethan said and handed me the mask. I sighed and took it from his hands. "Hey, any word on Pat Halstead?" "Last time I heard, he was stable. Now put that on" Ethan said. I groaned and placed the oxygen mask over my face. "I'll come check on your later. For now, just keep breathing with that" he said and left the room.

After about an hour, I was released from the hospital, so I went down to the ER to see how Pat was doing. However, when I got there, things were not good. Will was doing CPR on his father while a nurse charged the defibrillator. Meanwhile, Jay was standing just outside of the room looking in. "Jay! What's going on? I thought your father was stable" I say. "He was. I don't know what happened" he said. When Will finally managed to get Pat's heart started again, things didn't look right, so they brought Dr. Abrams, a neurosurgeon, down to his room. I sat outside while Jay and Will talked to Dr. Abrams. I thought things were going to only get better from here, but that thought changed when Jay stormed out of the room.

Will exited Pat's room minutes later, and I grabbed his arm. "Will, what's going on" I ask. Will sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Our dad, he's brain dead" Will said. "Oh my god. I need to find Jay" I say. However, Will stopped me before I could go anywhere. "Yn, he needs his space" Will said. "Will, I've seen how Jay deals with grief, okay? He needs someone, and that person can either be you, or me. "I-okay. I'll go talk to him" Will said.

After a while, Jay finally came back and took a seat next to his father's bed. Minutes after that, Will walked into the room. "Hey, Jay. We've got to take Dad off the vent" Will said. "What? No, no, no. I've been sitting with him and he blinks his eyes. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed my hand. He squeezed my hand" Jay said. "Those are just reflexes. They don't mean anything" Will said. "He's got to come back, man. That can't be the last conversation I ever have with him" Jay said with tears brimming his eyes.

"Look, whatever regrets you have, you're not going to resolve them here. You've just got to accept that. Jay, the reason Gwen encouraged us to take our time with Dad? His bypass was 29 days ago. If he dies before 30 days are up, regardless of why, it's a fatality for the hospital" Will explained. "So what" Jay questioned. "So Gwen's just trying to keep Dad alive for one more day so the hospital doesn't take the hit" Will responded. "I get it. You feel betrayed. I don't care. I care about Dad" Jay said. "And you think he'd want to be kept alive to buff some numbers" Will asked. "You need to get out" Jay said. "Jay, he's gone" Will said.

I sighed and stood up from my chair, grabbing my jacket. "Yn, where are you going" Jay asked. "Somewhere that's not here. Look, you guys are brothers, and you're the only close family you have left. It's hard enough on me knowing that I could've helped your dad, but I was too weak to get him out there. I can't deal with this on top of that. Call me when you guys have come to a decision" I say. "Yn" Jay said. "You're not deaf, Jay. I know you heard what I said. You guys have to work something out here without me" I say before leaving the room.

A bit later, I found Will standing on one of the upper floor balconies looking out at the Chicago skyline. "You okay" I ask. "I could have been a better son. I could have been a better brother" he said. "Will, your dad knew you loved him. When I was at his apartment earlier, he couldn't stop talking about how happy he was that both of his kids grew up successful. He's proud of you, even if he doesn't straight up tell you that. And Jay knows you love him too. Every time you come up in a conversation we're having, he smiles. Right now, he doesn't need a doctor to help him come to a decision. He needs his brother" I say. Will sighed. "I know. I'm going to go talk to him" Will said.

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