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Malakai stood, bare body glistening as he bathed in a single beam of light, shining from above, slicing it's way through clouds. His white feathered wings stretched the their full span, and he relished the rare feeling of being free. It was not often an Angel could fully reveal their wings, let alone on the Earth plane, yet this was an emergency.

His wings took up the full space of the clearing, miles and miles of forest surrounding him. To summon his full power, and to speak with The One, he firstly must relax his mind. His eyelids slid shut, hiding his green eyes, the colour identical to the leaves on the trees around him. Allowing his breathing to slow, Malakai cleared his mind, pushing away any thoughts: whether they be of home, the other Angels, or the one he was sent here to protect.


A simple, pure mind, devoting itself fully to The One.


The gentle voice echoed through his mind, like ripples upon the waters surface. The voice was neither female nor male, but contained voices of both sexes. It seemed to be coming from everywhere at once, all the voices in this world and the next, calling out. Like one hundred voices all joined in harmony, collected into one soul. The One.

"Yes, My Lord?" Malakai replied, loyal to the one who so rightly deserved it.

"Malakai. You must remember what you are here for."

"Protection, My Lord. I have been asked to protect Leofwin Frawnling."

"No. More than that."

"To make sure he fulfils the Prophecy."

"Correct. You must be certain that when he becomes of age, he does what he has to do. No matter the sacrifice."

"Yes. Of course, My Lord."

And then the voice was gone, the whispers erupting outwards, ending the conversation abruptly.

Never before had Malakai heard The One use such a serious tone. Usually Lord would be cheerful, delivering messages of joy and well-being. But now... Lord was like a changed person. Lord was always solemn, always cold.

Malakai always thought this was the Angels fault. They were not doing as well as The One had hoped, they were failing The One, displeasing him. And so, that was why Malakai took this assignment - to prove the Angels strength.

Protecting Leofwin Frawnling should have been a seemingly easy task, if he were just a normal human. Being his Guardian Angel then would be a basic task, one administered to a Lower Angel.

But the Frawnling boy was not human. He was Nephilim. The offspring of a human woman and a Son Of God, more commonly known by mankind, as Angels.

This created hundreds of complications.

What made matters worse, is that he did not know he was Nephilim, leaving him clueless in the sense of his heritage, and his powers. The powers of the Nephilim varied with each child, depending completely on how high a ranking the Angel held.

It was prophesied that one day, a Nephilim child would bring about the destruction of the five kingdoms, purely by using the power his father had given him when the child was born. Some Nephilim children never gain powers, due to the fact they are held from them at birth. The Angelic father must recite a latin transcript into the childs ear for them to be able to gain powers. It was said that the Frawnling boys twin sister only had half the transcript recited to her, and so only half the power.

The power the child gains completely depends on what is whispered, with certain blanks that must be filled in by the father.

As the Angel walked through the forest, with the sunlight shining brightly through the leaves and making an intricate pattern along the leaf-ridden floor, he began to prepare himself. He needed to fit in here, here being on the Earth Plane. In a moment of realisation, a thought popped into his mind - how would he fit in?

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