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Hey everybody! I just want to thank you for all of your constant support throughout this 4 year process. It's been pretty great to grow in my writing alongside you all. I know I'm a terrible author to be following because of how infrequent my updates are, but I really do enjoy this process, even if there are spots for several months where I don't update.

All the Time We Had is a companion book to the JESSE series. It contains some segments in both books told from the perspective of Jesse McCree and some ideas/segments that never made it to the final cut.

Part one of the book will be parts of the story that I wanted to tell, but couldn't fit for pacing purposes. Part two of the book will be bits told from Jesse's perspective. They aren't in any particular order, so feel free to jump around to parts you care more about!

This is mainly just for me, but if there are any scenes you would like to see, just leave them in the comments of this first part! If there's a scene you're curious about from Jesse's perspective, or if there was a plot point that you felt needed more fleshing out, leave it here— and I'll get to it when I can!

I won't be doing any NSFW stuff, just as a ground rule. Just the same sort of cutesy or action based stuff I've written previously.

I wouldn't have even finished JESSE and GOLD if it wasn't for your constant support, so I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart!

Again, I don't expect this book to get many reads as it's more just for me to get down the stuff I wanted to fit into the first two books :)

Thank you again for your support!

I hope you enjoy it.

Table of Contents: (will be updated with every new part):

Section 1:

1- Waking Up Next to You

1- Merry Christmas

1- "I do"

1- Happy Father's Day

Section 2:

2- You're Beautiful

2- Wounded

2- Insult to Injury

2- Seeing Red

2- Detroit

2- Danger

2- A Christmas Eve's Conversation

2- Liana McCree

2- So. This is goodbye.

All the Time We Had (A JESSE and GOLD Companion Book)Where stories live. Discover now