Chapter Nine: Natalie

Start from the beginning

Dumping the baggy in another trash bag, I wash my hands then pick up the letter.


Sorry for the smoke and mirrors and stinky turkeys. Something weird is going on. I think I found out what, but that bastard George hacked me and ... anyway. I’ll deal with him later. They DO NOT want this secret found out. You were so right about there being something going on. I’m only doing this to protect you, Natty.

PLEASE - You need to go to the address in the envelope like now. There’s a wig in the veggie drawer and disposable cell phone under the sink in the box with the trash bags. Use that to call me when you get to Ohio and TELL ME IF I’M RIGHT. But only when you get to Ohio then throw it away. I’m so fucking good, I know I am, but then I can tell George he’s FULL OF SHIT.

Love you!


“You are insane, Alisha.” I read the note again. I’m not surprised she’s got some sort of conspiracy theory, but I am surprised she went to this trouble to get this information to me.

I’m also disturbed that Elijah’s head of security is actively trying to suppress whatever Alisha found. I mean, George wouldn’t act without Elijah’s direction. Elijah was doing more than vetting my friends and me; he was doing some really fascist shit.

I retrieve the cell phone first. Opening the envelope, I take out a new driver’s license with my pic. I laugh. She’s given me blonde hair in the fake ID.

I go to the fridge again and open the veggie drawer to find a blonde wig there.

“What on earth, Alisha?” Tossing it on the counter next to the phone, I return to the envelope. She’s stuffed cash, a solitary key to a car with the description taped to its tag, a map she printed off of Google with the words LEAVE NO ELECTRONIC FOOTPRINT scrawled across the top, and an address on a sticky note.

Kallista King again. The words she’s written under the name jump out at me.

He’s got a wife in Ohio. Or a daughter. Someone he’s hiding.

What?” I re-read it. My heart flips, and I’m not sure why I’m hoping it’s a daughter.

Elijah is getting ready to dump me, and I’m actually upset about it.

I shouldn’t be. I should be thanking Alisha for the information and giving me another reason to stay strong and walk away.

“Wife,” I say through gritted teeth. “It’s gotta be.” My heart drops a second time, and I can’t help thinking I really will be devastated if this is the case.

Shaking my head, I lean against the counter to think this through. Alisha wants me to go on some wild goose chase, to drive eight hours to some stranger’s house, and tell her if the person there is Elijah’s wife or daughter.

It’s crazy. Absolutely mad. My relationship with Elijah is going to be over soon. So … why should I bother?

I read her note again.

They DO NOT want this secret found out.

And then I remember what I originally asked her for. Insurance. Leverage. Something I can use to make sure Elijah follows through with his promise to spare Tenley block.

I straighten. “My god. You really did it, Alisha.” She found something not even the press knows about. Intrigued, I begin to understand why I do need to go there and find out what this secret is.

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