Chapter Three: Natalie

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“That’s not possible.” Elijah is frowning fiercely.

“It gets weirder,” I say. I lick my lips and hesitate, uncertain how to say this next part. Not only does this stranger’s intimate knowledge scare me, but he also blew my mind with this next tidbit. “Elijah, the cleaning crew tossed my pills the other day and Maya has been stalling me about getting new ones. This guy says things like this are happening, because your father has issued an edict that you need an heir before he’ll give you the throne and you’re going to ...” I can’t even say it.

Apparently, I don’t have to.

Elijah is surprised. Not the kind of alarm I expect from a man who is trying to figure out a horrible falsehood, but the look of a man who knows he’s just had some great secret uncovered.

I search his gaze, and my whole world feels like it’s going to crack.

“Elijah,” I whisper. “Tell me you aren’t the kind of man who would do that. Tell me you didn’t toss my pills or set me up or whatever it is this guy is saying.”

He wipes his mouth and sits back. I assess he’s at a loss for words.

I feel sick. “Is that why you wanted an extension to our deal, to make sure you had time to knock me up?”


“Did you do something to sabotage my birth control? Or tell Maya or the pharmacy not to refill it?” My body is shaking, and the tears in my eyes are those of fury and fear.

Of all the things I expected of Elijah, this isn’t one of them. I expected him to fuck me over during the course of our false relationship but also that, when it’s over, I’m free of him. Forever.

That wouldn’t be the case if a kid were involved. I’ve been taking my pills religiously to prevent that possibility.

“I did not,” he says slowly. “Whoever this stranger is, I need to shut him down fast. He’s got to have someone inside our home to know this level of detail.”

“I don’t care about him!” I cry. “Was he right about any of it?”

He’s evaluating me. “Yes and no. My father hasn’t issued an edict. I’m aware that he’s considering putting my cousin on the throne, since my cousin will have an heir by the end of the year. My father made his opinion clear to me, but there are a lot of hurdles between him removing me from being next in line and appointing my cousin the crown prince.”

“But you would consider it, wouldn’t you? You did consider it! You would fuck up my life like that?”

“Calm down, Natalie,” he says softly. “I did nothing to your birth control. If it went missing, then you can go to the pharmacy personally for replacements, if you don’t believe me.”

“I’ve been trying to get refills for a week, Elijah! Maya says they keep losing it. Are you doing this?”

“No, I’m not,” he states. “There are very compelling reasons I will never father an heir.”

“Like what?”

“Nothing I will tell an outsider.”

“Nothing you’ll tell an outsider you considered knocking up?” I’m beyond furious. This … terrifies me. I’m already an emotional mess from my menstrual cycle and the confrontation with the mystery texter, but the idea of raising a child in this situation …

My god. No. Never.

“This is politics. This is how my family operates.”

“What if he does issue an edict?” I challenge. “What then, EJ?”

Crushed (erotic) (#3, 101 Nights)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin