6. platform 9 3/4

Start from the beginning

"Just run at the barrier?"

"That's right. You go first, Potter. And don't worry so much, okay?"

"Okay," Harry said, and wheeled his trolley around.

Taking a deep breath, he started forward, and broke into a run. Just as he was about to reach the barrier, he closed his eyes. But no crash came. Instead, he felt a breeze on his face, and slowed to a stop. Opening his eyes, he saw a crimson train and a sign that read Platform 9 3/4.

"Wow," Harry said under his breath. If he thought there were a lot of people on the Knight Bus, that was nothing to the number on the platform. Witches and wizards of all ages milled around, the students with their trunks. Some wore what Harry had started to think of as muggle clothing, but others wore robes, or a strange combination of both.

There was a tap on his shoulder. He turned, and Higgs stood over him, grinning.

"Well done," he said. "Let's get your trunk on the train."

Even though it had a feather light charm on it, the trunk was still cumbersome, especially when Harry added the vivarium, so he was grateful for the help. Higgs lead him to the back of the train, where there were still empty compartments, and helped him stow the trunk away in one.

"Well, enjoy the ride, Potter. There's nothing like your first trip to Hogwarts," he said, clapping Harry on the back. "Hope to see you in Slytherin."

"Maybe," Harry said, and Higgs laughed.

"Maybe," he agreed. "See you there." And he turned, and left.

Harry settled into the compartment, not sure if he should go and look for Draco or not. He had very nearly been late, and the train would start at any moment. Harry looked out the window onto the platform as he waited. Most of the students had already boarded, but there was a red-headed family that was still boarding. He watched as the youngest, a girl, started crying as her brothers boarded the train.

She must be too young, Harry thought, and felt a little bad for her. Still, she was lucky to have such a big family, and they obviously cared about her.

He turned away from them, and the train began to move.

Harry watched the station disappear from view, before reaching for Persephone's enclosure.

"Are you awake?" he hissed, opening the top. He wanted to speak to her while he was still alone. Harry had explained to her that he had to keep his ability a secret, and she had sulked for hours. Eventually, she had agreed, and as they had been working on her understanding of the English language, it wouldn't be so bad. She would still know what was going on.

Persephone slithered out and under his shirt, to her usual spot.

"Are we on the train?" she asked, nestling her head against his neck.

"Yeah, we're on our way," Harry said, running a finger down her back. She gave a sort of contented hiss.

The door opened, and one of the redheads Harry had observed from the train was standing there.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked. "Everywhere else seems full."

Harry shrugged a bit. Truthfully, he wasn't finished talking with Persephone. But he didn't want to say that to the boy.

"Sure," he said, and the other boy entered and sat down across from him.

"I'm Ron Weasley," he said, introducing himself. "And this is Scabber," he added, pulling out a grey rat from his pocket.

"I'm Harry Potter," Harry said, but before he could introduce Persephone, the boy gasped loudly.

"Are you really?" he asked excitedly. "Have you really got, you know...?" and he pointed at Harry's forehead.

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