Chapter 6 - Truths & Memories

Start from the beginning

"Ever since you started dressing and acting like this," he says, motioning to my clothes and the make-up on my face. "You began staring at him a little more often and longingly about that time, so I guess I just came to the terms that you must have feelings for him."

"Yeah," I breathe. "I wanted to be more like her, you know? If Louis likes her so much, I thought he'd like me too if I just resembled her. It's stupid, I know because I'm a guy and we don't even have the same parents so I could never look like her anyways. I just... I wanted to give it a try, you know?"

"Oh Harry," he sighs. "You've been acting like this just because... why? You know Louis would only like you for who you are, right? He wouldn't want you to be like her. If he fancies you, it's because he likes you and no one else. Harry. You should know this."

I hum, averting my gaze from his. I am aware of that, it's just... I wanted to see if he would fall for me too if I only was more like Eleanor. Not that I thought it would work, but I would do anything for Louis, even if it means I have to dress like a girl. "I know, Niall," I mutter, fiddling with my fingers over my chest.

We sit there for a while, tears still leaving my eyes, even though I'm not aware of it anymore. They just come unintentionally. Niall continues to comb his fingers through my hair, trying to soothe me and get me to stop sniffling, but it won't work no matter how much he tries. He even tells me funny jokes to make me laugh, which I do, but it's only half-heartedly and the lump in my throat is still present along with the quiet sobs.

About half an hour later, I can feel my eyelids getting heavy due to how much I have cried, and within seconds I'm sound asleep, still with my head on Niall's lap.


[Louis' POV]

"What the fuck was that?!" Zayn yells as Harry has slammed Liam's bedroom door shut and Niall has followed behind him.

Liam and Zayn are staring at me incredulously, Zayn a little angrier since we've recently talked about my feelings for both Eleanor and Harry. However, I just plant an emotionless look on my face, not letting myself be faced with any of their shit. I clear my throat, crossing my arms over my chest. "The truth," I shrug casually.

Zayn scoffs, shaking his head. "I can't believe you Louis, and I don't believe a shit of what's been coming out of your mouth lately. Ever since you promised me not to tell anyone about your uncertain feelings for Harry you've been a real dickhead. Not only to us, but to Harry as well. Maybe he hasn't noticed it because of your stupid moves on him, but don't you think he's going to be crushed after this? You've basically led him on, you stupid idiot. I thought I told you not to break his fucking heart, and what's the first thing you decide to do, huh? I can't fucking believe you, Louis," he snarls, looking at me with so much disappointment, but I just shrug it off.

"I haven't broken anyone's heart. I'm just doing the right thing," I mutter.

He raises an eyebrow while Liam just sits there, flicking his gaze between the two of us. "The right thing? Harry loves you, you heartless son of a bitch! He'd do anything for you, yet you just stomp on his heart as if it's made of stone. It's not, I can tell you. And if you didn't notice it by the way he just stormed out of the room, you are really fucking oblivious," he laughs humorlessly.

I bite my lip. No, Harry doesn't like me, he just acts overly cute and adorable around me. What Zayn told me this morning isn't true. Harry wasn't feeling down because of Eleanor, it must've been because of something else. And now he probably only stormed out because I didn't tell him about the marriage before I told the other guys since we're considered best friends. Yeah, that must be it.

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