Police sirens...

Slow at first, but over time, heavier and louder...




Then they stopped close-by...

Mark was seated in the sitting room, drinking a cup of tea while watching one of his ol' videos...

"My name is Markiplier, and welcome to... Firewatch."

He paused the video and looked to the door; he could hear footsteps...


The door flew open.

Guns flew up.

Men in blue stared at the confused Markiplier...

"Put down your weapons," the main officer said. "It's only Markiplier."

"Pfft; it's only Markiplier?" Mark said contemptuously. "Do you know who I am-- sir?"

"Yes, I know who you are," the officer said, slowly walking into the room. "Did you see-- any... um... anyone break into this house?"

"Is Marzia with you?" Mark's face started to warp.

"Just answer the question."

"Answer mine first!" Mark's eyes were bold.

"Well, sir, do you see this gun?"

"Yes, I can see the gun, officer. It's a pistol, sir, type 45 Magnum-- played lots of games."

"Yes, I know you've played lots of games, Mark," the officer said. "Now, who broke in?"


Marzia pushed through the officers that were behind the door...


"It was I," Mark muttered inaudibly.

"You're alright," Marzia said. 

Mark leaned in... for a handshake. "I am!"

"And Pewdz?" she asked.

"Fine too," Mark said.

"Did the thug steal anything?"

"There was no thug," Mark muttered.


"There was no thug," Mark repeated.

"There was no thug-- you're... the thug?"

"Here to steal all your hearts," he said, chuckling.

"So he escaped?" Marzia asked.

"No; there is no thug. I meant that it was I... who broke in...to your house. Well, I was the 'thug' when I got a strike too."

"Wait, you broke... into our house?"

"You're under arrest--"

"No, officer," Marzia intercepted. "It's fine."


"No, buts. Mark is a friend."

"Will you feature us in a music video, Mark?" the officer asked. "I know how to play the bass."

"No, Davie504 already took the spot," Mark uttered silently.


* * * * *


The squad cars were gone...

"I can't believe you just broke into our house," Marzia said. "You're going to pay for it."

"I will," Mark said.

"Good morning." Pewdz said.

He had a tambourine in his hand.

"Good afternoon," Mark greeted back, whilst grinding his teeth.

"What's your problem?"

"Um... You know-- waited..."

"Hey," Marzia flashed a stern look. "Don't talk like that with a broken window that's your problem!"

"Broken window?" Pewdz stepped back.

"See for your self."

"OUGHA OUGHA!!" Pewdz screeched. "What is wrong with you, Markiplier? Can't you see... that I have paid money for-- well, I don't really care much about the window."

"What do you mean?" Marzia asked.

"Mark is my homie, and I don't disregard homies."

Tears started to well up in Mark's eyes...

"Thanks, Pewdz."

"Yeah, I'll pay for it," Pewdz said.

And a warm smile formed on Mark's face.


Answer = 2, kids!

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