Day one

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All the things I feel on a Monday morning at 7:05am, or any morning for that matter. I don't think anyone truly understands 'struggle' till they experience the trauma of pulling themselves out of the cosiest bed this early in the morning. Okay, slight exaggeration. But it feels like -10 degrees when I get out of my bed!

Despite this fact, I have to peal away from my bed, first day back at school after Christmas is always the hardest.

I took 5 steps closer to the mirror before giving myself a disgusted look. This uniform. This hair. This face. Ew.

Little touch of make up, when I say this I mean a full face of make up, run my hair through with my straighteners and BAM! I'm looking; at least, presentable.

As I walked through the gates I saw numerous faces I had left behind just two weeks ago, although it felt like I hadn't seen them in two years, Becky woods dyed her hair blonde, Travis becker got an eyebrow piercing, gross. Then there was me, Samantha, the same as always. Just normal, boring Samantha. Sandy blonde hair and green eyes, how very exciting!

As I passed through the hall endless 'hello's' and 'how are you's' were exchanged and fake smile after fake smile caught my eye, I mean they could have been genuine, but who is truly that happy on the first day of term? No one! I slung my bag over my shoulder and strutted over to the maths block, my favourite! Obviously complete sarcasm. My teacher was an old wrinkled raisin, Ms Oose was not the most pleasant of women, like she says "I'm here to teach and get paid, not to be your friend" but in my eyes she needs all the friends she can get, she was married for 10 years but he had a 2 year affair behind her back, with her only friend. The week after the divorce was finalised she had a nervous breakdown or something and told us all about it and I never thought I'd say it but that day circle theorems seemed so much more interesting.

I slumped down into my seat that I had been assigned, right at the front, just my luck.

"Miss Chasters, welcome back!" I offered the raisin my most sarcastic smile, I knew she would appreciate it. As more and more people filed into the class she looked more and more displeased. It had finally hit me that after the most relaxed two weeks of my life, I was coming back to this. One hour torturing sessions with the raisin.

This maths lesson could not be going any slower! Equation after equation, number after number, it was too much for my brain to handle. Finally. The bell rings and I can get out of this hell hole, to go to another one. Next was science with Dr Bennett, better than maths but still not that great.

The next couple hours dragged on like you wouldn't believe, every time I looked at the clock only the seconds hand had moved. The only thing getting me through this next hour was my chocolate brownie I was gonna have at lunch!

The bell finally rang through my ears to tell me that we had our half hour lunch break. The girls all assembled at our usual table, "So any updates?" Sasha chimed, "Travis Becker got an eyebrow piercing..." I mumbled in between bites of my brownie "I heard that Jake Thompson and Emily Bradshaw are dating!"

"How did that happen!? He's been pining after her since middle school!" Chloe pitched in.

"What have we got last lesson?"

"English!" I exclaimed while trying not to get brownie crumbs all over the place. English is my saving grace, my best and favourite subject, the others groaned while I looked forward to it. "I've heard there's a new teacher..."

"Yeah to replace Miss Elder, remember she moved to Thailand..." Alice informed us

"Oh yeah..." The rest of us said in sync.

"So anyone seen mystery teacher?" I asked curious.

"No, but, Stephanie Watts told me its a guy, apparently he's pretty young and to use her words he's a 'hot piece'" Sasha had a massive grin across her face as she explained. The rest of us let out a little laugh at her overexcitement. "Anything on his teaching ability?"

"Alice, this is Stephanie Watts we're talking about here, she's not exactly going to be concentrating on Shakespeare is she?" Very fair point made. But if the new teacher was as hot as he had been made out to be then none of us would be able to concentrate on Shakespeare. The conversation at lunch carried on the same; what we had heard being passed around in the school corridors, speculating about our new English teacher, so on and so on. As the bell rang we all eagerly made our way over to the English block ready to meet 'Mr hot piece' as Sasha had been calling him the whole walk over here. She swung the door open, a few heads turned at our dramatic entrance but all our attention was at the front of the class. He was stood there, casually leaning against his desk, his hands resting either side of his body. My eyes examined his whole body, from his black leather shoes, up his grey fitted trousers, following up is slightly too tight white shirt paired with a black tie. Then there was his face, oh god that face. He had dark brown, pretty much black hair that was slightly combed over but still kinda messy and deep blue eyes. Although his attire gave off a grown up, professional impression his face reminded me of a young college guy.

Our class was set out in rows so the girls and I grabbed the back row. As there was still only about 9 students in class he wasn't making any attempt to talk so we began whispering to each other. "See! Hot piece!" Sasha practically squealed. "Oh my god he's totally gorgeous," Chloe said while she drooled over him. As more people came into class there were more eyes ogling him, mine included. He cleared his throat and instantly had everyones attention before slightly stepping away from his desk.

"Hello everyone! My name is Mr Michaels, I'm your new English teacher." All the girls were hypnotised by him. "Today, we're starting your Hamlet topic, so I'll hand out the books and then we can get started." We began to read through the tragic play of Hamlet but my mind was having to battle of the distraction of Mr Michaels.

When the day was finally over the girls and I went for our weekly café trip before I could return home. Sasha and I lived down the same road so we walked back together.

"Mr Michaels kept looking at you today!"

"Um no he did not Sasha and even if he was it was only because he was wondering who the weird girl was that was gawping at him the whole time."

"Okay one, you were way too into that play to be gawping the whole time and two every girl in there was gawping and he wasn't giving them the eye."

"There was no 'giving the eye' you are insane." We had stopped at my house, I'll see you tomorrow Sasha" She began walking down the street calling back as she went "Bye!"

As soon as I got in through the door I could see dinner was being put out on the table. It was me, my mum, my stepdad Kevin and my stepbrother Jacob. My dad left when I was younger and was never really interested but I wasn't bothered, from what my mum told me he wasn't worth being bothered about. Kevin had raised me and that was how its always been and that's how I like it.

"Hey sweetie!" My mum called out as I dumped my bag down in the hallway. "Hi Mum" I pulled out my chair and sat in my usual seat. "How was your day?"

"It was good considering it was school and all, yours?"

"Mine was good sweetheart," she quickly poked her head out the kitchen door "Boys dinner!" She called before sitting down at the table.

"So Sammy any news from school?" Kevin asked while he settled into his seat.

"Just few new hairstyles, new couple. Oh and we have a new English teacher, his name is Mr Michaels..." I mumbled because I just shovelled some mashed potato into my mouth. "Is he hot!?"

"Karen! Why would you be interested when you have a perfectly handsome man right next to you?" My mum was sat staring at me still waiting for a reply to her question. "Yes he is mum."

"Well I look forward to parents evening this year!"

The rest of my evening consisted of watching TV in the living room or on my laptop locked away in my room and mentally preparing myself for the place I like to refer to as; prison.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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