Season 6; New Normal

Start from the beginning


"What else do we know about Jalen" Antonio asked. "Um, he's affiliated with the Black Tiger Posse, has two priors, both drug-related" Hailey replied. "Okay, so we work this up and down. Burgess, Atwater, start with the kid on the corner. Andre. Wave those homicides under his nose, see if he bites. The rest of you work your sources and find Jalen's suppliers. Who sold the product to him? Who's behind the spider logo? And coordinate with Patrol. I want them to put up fliers so that everyone in the neighborhood knows what's going on out there" Antonio said. 

"Put up fliers? Are we sure that's a good idea? Demand usually goes up when ODs start happening because the junkies think that the dope's super-charged. Put word out, that might do more harm than good" Adam quipped. "I get it, but it's better to be transparent. This way the people decide for themselves" Antonio said. "I don't know, Antonio. I kind of agree with Adam. I think doing this is just going to kill more people" I say. "Well, I'm your superior today, so what I say goes" Antonio argued. "Really? You're going to use authority to back up your idea? You've got two members of your unit, possibly more, who think your idea sucks. Maybe you should listen for a moment" I say. "We're running out of time. Lets go" Antonio said.

A bit later, we all met back up in the bullpen. No luck, man. "Yn and I talked to a bunch of low-level dealers. Kids, really, like 16, 17. They don't know anything" Jay said. "We did confiscate half an ounce, though" I say. "Yeah, we struck out too. Adam and I tried to squeeze this guy named Gamble, but he wasn't having it" Hailey said. "Gamble? Who the hell is he" Antonio asked. "Word is he controls the spot where the hot loads were being sold. But, like I said, he shot us down pretty quickly" Hailey responded. "Yeah, he seemed more confused than anything. Like he had no idea the ODs were connected to his dope" Adam added. 

"How'd you hear about this guy" Antonio asked. "Uh, Adam's CI" Hailey replied. "Yeah, I've got a source. He knows the area pretty good" Adam said. "Is this source on the books" Antonio asked. "No, not yet" Adam said. "Adam, are you talking to Voight" Antonio asked. "I'm talking to whoever can give us good info. Antonio, we've got six people dead. What does it matter who I talk to or where I get my information from? I'm trying to solve the case! This is insane" Adam said.

After about an hour, Jay got something. "Hey, I've been going back through Jalen's phone, and the last three days he made 22 calls to the same burner in Pilsen" he said. "Pilsen? So a black dealer named Jalen who works the West Side is chatting with a Mexican cat in Pilsen" Adam asked. "That's right" Jay replied. "Yo, Jay. I ran that name you gave me through HIDTA and it came back hot. A guy named Ernesto Varga. He's plugged to some major suppliers in Mexico" Kevin said. "All right, track him down fast" Antonio said. Bad new though, by the time we got to Varga's house, he was dead.


"Jalen just confessed. He gave up the stash house" Adam said and walked into the bullpen. "What? He lawyered up. You weren't even supposed to be talking to him" Antonio said. "The address is 3220 Edgemont Road. There's 1/2 kilo sitting there just waiting to kill another 10, 20, 50 people" Adam spoke. "And he just volunteered this" Antonio asked. "Yes" Adam replied. "You're lying" Antonio stated. "Do you want to be right or do you want to save lives? It's your call" Adam said. Antonio sighed. "Let's gear up and hit this place now."

Just liked Adam said, at the address we found where the bad dope was being made. The most surprising part was that there were 3 kids working there. They were probably 10, maybe 12 years old. As all of us were standing outside, I heard commotion coming from inside the stash house, so I went to take a look. "Uh, Jay? Kevin? We've got a problem" I say. Jay and Kevin then came inside, and when they saw Antonio and Adam fighting, they quickly ran over to separate them.

Back at the district, while we were all packing up, Voight walked into the bullpen. "Are you back on the job" Jay asked him. "I got the official call an hour ago" Voight replied. I smiled and hugged Voight tightly. "I'm glad you're back, Sarge" I say. "Listen, it has been a very long few days. With a lot of pain. A lot of anger. I get it. I don't expect these emotions to just disappear overnight. But going forward, we need to be a team. One team. No more fighting. No more crap" Voight said.

That afternoon, we had to go to Al's funeral. It brought up a lot of emotions that I had been suppressing the past week. It also brought up a few memories. I remember the night when Kevin Bingham was killed. All of us, except for Voight and Erin, appeared at the house where Voight said Bingham was squatting. However, Bingham was nowhere to be found. I had kind of known this whole time what had happened, but I didn't want to believe it. I don't want to believe that Voight killed Bingham, but I knew that was the truth. However, if Al didn't want Voight to get caught for that crime, then I guess I could let it slide as well. But if another crime happens, and Voight clearly is at fault, I'm not sure if I can keep it a secret for long.

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