I don't know why I stuttered but I suddenly began feeling... Off...

Dave - "George... D-do you feel dizzy?..."

George - "A little, why?"

Dave - "I think we're b-breathing in something that's not n-normal..."

George - "You seem a lot more affected by it th-then m-m-me...-"

George suddenly collapsed. 

Ah, shit.

I looked around to see if I could figure out where that stuff was coming from. But before I could figure it out, I fell to the ground, dizzy.

Before I passed out, I watched a figure walk towards me. Their looks were hard to make out because of my blurry vision. They grabbed one of Georges legs and began dragging him over to me before he bent down and looked at me.

Clay - "Goodnight Dave."

I felt something hit my head, making everything go black.

->>_Saturday, 11:12pm_<<-

My eyes slowly opened as I got a glimpse of my surroundings. I tried to stand only to realize I was chained to a pole. I heard footsteps approach me in the large completely blacked room I sat in, smelling something rotting.

Clay - "Hello, Dave."

I tried to speak but only before realizing I had duct tape over my mouth. I began licking it to make the glue softer so I could get it off.

Clay - "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. But... I'm feeling extra kind today, so I'm going to give you an advantage during our final battle."

I felt the tape get ripped off my mouth causing me to flinch.

Clay - "What a child, flinching over such a mild feeling..."

Dave - "You should just keep your mouth shut."

Clay - "You want me to shut up? You have no idea where you are, do you?"

He began wheezing like a maniac.

Dave - "What's so funny?"

Clay - "This."

All of a sudden a light turned on. The first thing I saw was George hanging by his wrists on the wall in front of me. But next to George were all the bodies from the people that Clay had killed. To Georges right, Zak was there, hanging by his wrists, lifeless. To Georges left, Tommy was hanging by his wrists as well, except he didn't even have pants or boxers on.

I saw so many other bodies. Next to Zak was Mega's body, which had no head. Next to Mega's was Jacobs, next to his, was Darryls. The list went on. Everybody's body was hanging up on this wall, has he been collecting them this whole time? 

George was passed out, but then I looked from George to Tommy and noticed something about the rest of the dead bodies.

They had no eyes.

The eyelids were pinned open, except for Mega's since his head is gone. The stench was awful, the sight made the smell even worse.

Clay - "Like what you see?"

He walked up to me and knelt down in front of me. He looked considerably human, other than the fact his skin was very purple and his eyes were very purple as well.

Dave - "Why did you do this to them!? What did you do to George!?"

Clay - "Don't worry, your little friend is still alive."

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