September 6th, 2020

3 0 0

So I was at this restaurant thing that looked very familiar, they had masks and stuff, (like,, the face masks that you wear on halloween-) I took a mask, you didnt have to wear a mask there so I wasn't wearing one, I was looking around the restaurant and I saw a hidden door or whatever- so I went in and there were 3 beds and another room, the room also looked familiar, I went in the other room and I saw this girl and she was like
"wanna fuck" or something
I agreed and
apparently I got her to do some kinky shit- I cant remember what I said, but I got her to wear a clown costume.
a while later I got on the bed and laid down, a few seconds later she got on top of me-
I dont know if anything else happened- but the dream ended a while after that
I can no longer see clowns the same after that dream

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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