Narcolepsy-Chapter 2

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!TRIGGER WARNING!: Sleeping disorder

As I was walking to Kenma I was suddenly tired. I had no control over myself anymore and everything was getting black before my eyes. I was falling asleep!

"SHOYO? SHOYO! HINATA WAKE UP! WHAT'S WRONG??" I heard Kenma screaming as i was slowly waking up. "Kenma? Why are you screaming? Nothing is wrong?" I said to my friend while slowly getting up. He was looking at me with big and worried eyes, he lend me a hand me to help. "Shoyo? What happend?!" he said. I was still a little bit dizzy and my muscles were still a little shaky. I took a deep breath "I don't really know.. I think I fell asleep? It happend before but only at home, so I didn't thought anything of it..".  Kenma was in thoughts for I moment before he raised his voice again "I think you should go see a doctor.. Maybe you have some typ of disorder?". Disorder? But.. Wouldn't that be the end for volleyball? Wouldn't that destroy my life? I was so shocked from the words of my friend "yeah.. I will go to a doctor.. Don't worry Kenma..". We finally both stood up and Kenma nodded woth a smile on his face "Don't be sad Hinata, I'm always here for you!". We continued our walk in the park and talked about so many things like video games and volleyball.

After some hours I went home. I sat down on my bed and just looked at my wall. The whole disorder thing. I can't tell anyone! I'm living such a happy and good life right now and I don't wanna ruin that.. I knew I couldn't even tell my mom because she would be to scared to let me do any sports, I admit, if I would randomly fall asleep in a game or in a jump it could be dangerous. But I have to get it checked.. I know! I will just go by myself! I am not an adult but I think the doctor can check on me without mom! I quickly grabbed my phone and typed in the number of the doc. A woman picked up and I made an appointment for tomorrow evening. 

I really hope it's nothing bad..

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