Chapter 1

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You would think that after almost 15 years I either would have gotten used to my brother's antics or he would have gotten bored tormenting me, but no.

I am sitting on the edge of the dock reading a book, a page from the end of the chapter, when I hear the doc creak I look up to see my brother walking towards me.
I immediately say, "Leave me alone, Archer.  I'm reading." 
But of course he does the opposite.
"So Ro what are you reading?" He asks.
I try to ignore him, but he pokes me in the arm repeatedly. Finally, I let out an exasperated sigh and angle the cover toward him. 
"Looks interesting, what is it about?" Archer presses.
I glare down at my book as I reply, "Well I wouldn't know since I can't concentrate enough to read it."
"Ah yes, you've always had trouble focusing," he retorts. 
"Maybe it's the company, it's too obnoxious to be ignored, I mean you are always with me so it would make sense," I reply.
"Yes, you're right. I guess my charm and charisma would be distracting," He confirms smugly. 
"Or it could be the stench that seems to follow you." I comment, wiping the smile right off his face.
"Well then if I'm so distracting I guess you don't need to even try to read," He pulls the book from my hand and tosses the book further back on the doc.
"Hey," I exclaim, jumping to my feet and hitting his arm.
“What, if I am so distracting, what is the point of focusing on anything other than my gloriousness?” He asks.
“Ok, Archer truce, let me read. I am in an exciting part of my book. So if you don’t mind, leave me alone!” I concede.
“Ok Ro let me just get the book for you,” Archer agrees as he moves toward my novel. 
But because of  the false smile he is wearing and how compliant he is being, I know something’s up so I am sure to keep my guard up as he walks back over to me. I reach out to take my book back but, as expected he holds it out of my reach.
“Not until you say the magic words,” He taunts.
“Really? What are you 8 years old?” I ask, rolling my eyes. 
“Oh yes Rosalyn Quin. I need the magic words to release the book into your custody. Here I’ll give you a hint Pl- and Th-”
“Fine, please and thank you,” I say in my most annoying voice.
    “Wrong. I’m sorry but that is incorrect I was looking for the words Platinum and Thermal,” He says in a deep voice.
“Archer just give me my book! "
“I’m sorry  Ma'am but that is not possible."
After he says the words he tosses my book into the lake at our feet. I run over and fish it out. But it's too late the ink has already started to run making the writing illegible, rendering the book useless.
"ARCHER! You ruined my book!" I shout, as I stalk toward him.
     "Oh my gosh Ro I meant for it to land on the dock. It was an honest mistake," he babbles.
Now I realize that knowing him it probably was an accident. I mean, teasing each other is one thing, but ruining one another belongings is an entirely different level of aggression and Archer is like the most level headed person I've ever met. But, I am still irritated that my book is ruined and I am not nearly as calm as my brother.
I reach him and sneer, "Oops," before I reach forward and shove him off the side of the dock.
I watch as he falls backwards, his arms windmilling on the way down. I laugh and stride to the corner of the dock to peer down at him. He pops up coughing.
 "It was an honest mistake," I declare in a high, innocent voice.
He dives under the dock and before I can react I feel his hand wrap around my ankle and pull me forward off the dock.

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