What happened?!

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Today was my 4th birthday I woke up and saw my daddies "daddy Ty daddy Adam!wake up! I yelled jumping on there bed giggling like crazy they sat up and smiled at me "good morning princess." Adam said as he yawned I ran down stairs and both my dads followed I sat down and saw cake and presents "yay!its like Christmas again!" I clapped my hands I looked at daddy Ty "presents please?" I asked in my cutest voice him smiled and handed my a small box with hole in the top I looked at him and opened my mouth to ask about the holes then I heard two tiny sounds I jumped at the noises then slowly I lifted the top of the box up and a little kitten and puppy jumped into my lap I started to giggle when they both greeted me with licks "hahahah stop puppy hahahah stop kitty hahaha!"my dads smiled at me and said "what do you want to name them?
The puppy is a German Shepard ,and the kitty is snowshoe." Daddy Adam said I looked at the puppy and kitty's light brown fur swirled with white "this is coco." I said holding up the dog (for Jerome!RIP irl coco)"and this ummm....um.....coconut!"I said holding the kitten them smiled and let me open the rest of my presents
-time skip to after opening presents-
I toke all of my toys to my room when I heard a *BANG BANG BANG* i was really scared but curios so I went towards the bangs then I heard another and another they were coming for outside the I saw daddy Ty shooting a gun at a hay-bale then I spoke up "daddy Ty?" He turned around and pointed the gun at me I gasped he was gonna hurt me but before he realized it was me I ran in the house up to my room I grabbed coco and coconut then daddy Ty walked in "please don't hurt me!ill be good I promise!"I started to cry then he hugged me "I'm so sorry lulu I-I was practicing my shooting to help look after you I don't want whoever hurt you take you away from u- he was cut off by Adam yelling "I don't know who you are but get out of my house!"me and daddy Ty watched Adam and a man and woman yelling at each other then I noticed who one of they was. my mom!I cuddled close to daddy Ty and said "that's my mom she was the one that hurt me and left the note!" Daddy Adams fist clenched then the man pulled out a gun i knew what was going to happen "no!" I screamed then ran at the man I moved his arm then he fired the gun then my daddy Adam screamed in pain and fell to the ground daddy Ty jumped out and screamed "Adam!" He pulled out his gun and shot the man the woman ran out of the house yelling "lulu will die!" Daddy Ty looked at me and said get my phone the I ran off to find daddy Ty's phone.

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