Jerks and Silver

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It was the second week of school and I was on a late streak. "Bloody hell" Jumping up I look at my cat themed clock, 8:00 I was supposed to be up at 7:30
"Late again!"  I struggled to throw on my robs and barely made it down the halls without falling on my face. Running though the Great hall doors I stop to scan the room trying to avoid the Griffindoor table or anyone from it.

"Good morning sunshine, sleep well" Emoria teased cutting and egg with toast

"Oh shut it"
Sitting next to Emoria I grab a hash brown and sausage.
"I can't believe I'm late, and you didn't even try to wake me"

"Actually I did but you yelled at me so I didn't bother you anymore"

Rolling my eyes and fixing the crooked green tie around my neck.
Before I could start, the food disappeared and everyone began to leave.
Emoria laughed "Maybe you should wake up earlier"

I gave Emoria a look before following her out of the great hall. "What do we have today?"

"Really Morgan, we have potions it's not that hard to remember" i furrow my brows and shove my hands into the pockets of my robes

We both walk down the stairs to the basement finding their spots, Morgan was paired with a Hufflepuff named Erin, he was smart but never paid attention.

"Rat tail" I say holding out my hand, "Rat tail" I say again looking up at Erin

He was gazing at Emoria nearly falling over. I poke his shoulder and he jumps turning to face me.

"Rat tail" I glare at him moving my empty hand right in front of my face

"Right yes" he stumbles to the shelf and hands me the tail

"Fairy wing" I look at the book waiting for Erin to answer

No response, "Bloody hell Erin can you keep your eyes off her for one second" I hit him with the book.

He rubs his head flattening his blond curls I just roll my eyes "Were going to fail this class" I  mumbled


Classes were over and most students were out in the stands cheering on their teams. I was relived that the day was over and headed up the stairs but was stopped by my older brother.
"We need to talk" Hugo said

"Can this wait" I tried to push past him but he stopped me


We walk past the field and behind the Ravenclaw stand.
"What's wrong" I sneer

"What's wrong, what's wrong, Your a Slytherin for Merlins sake. And you won't talk to me or anyone, what's going on"

"Geese I don't want to talk to my brother  for a few days what's so wrong"

"You acting strange Morgan"

"What so now that I'm a Slytherin I'm suddenly the bad guy"

"You know that's not what I mean"

"Yeah right"
I turn and walk back to my strand leaving Hugo in the shade.

I headed to the great hall filled with anger and frustration not even noticing that I nearly knocked over Lilly

"Hey" she yelled but I didn't answer heading straight toward the Slytherin table,
"Hey what's wrong" Emoria said giving me a concerned look, she had her hair in a neat bun and was writing In what seemed to be a homework book

"I'm fine" I say slouching in my seat

"You sure" she closes the book


"You want to talk about it"

"Really, I'm not getting all mushy and talking about how I feel" I yell

"Sorry I just wanted to help"

"Well don't" I get up and storm out of the hall. I can't believe he got so mad at me, what's so wrong about not having the same house, and Emoria is the strangest Slytherin I've ever met, I mean come on talking about feelings, rubbish
I walk into the dorm burying my face into the pile of pillows the bed.

The door opened "Hey, you never ate anything"
Emoria placed a plate of food on the night stand,

"I'm a failure to society and a disgrace to my family name, I'm evil" I yelled into the pillows

"No your not" Emoria giggles

"My brother hates me, they all do"

She rolled her eyes siting down next to me. I sit up wrapped into my pillows like a baby, this was the first time I had really looked at Emmi. Her eyes were a bright silver that made me shiver, she had a sharp jaw line that was barley hidden behind her almost white hair that she worn over her ears.

I Glare at Emoria

This made Emoria laugh

"What's so funny"
She laughed even more falling off the bed and hitting the floor yet still giggles spilled from her mouth.

"What is it"

"Even your hair knows how evil you are"

I get up and looked in the mirror, my hair stuck out in all directions making it look like I had two bright orange horns on the top of my head. It made me giggle a bit.

"Your so mean" I say throwing a pillow at Emoria

She laughed harder
I hit her with another pillow

"I hate you" I sneer

"I hate you too you evil bastard"


The next day was rainy and dark so they had to cancel the Quittich game for the day and it put every one under the weather.

"Bloody hell where is it" I was wandering around the halls after taking a wrong turn.

"Morgan what are you doing up here" U turn around to find Fred standing there he was in his fifth year and the beater for the Gryffindor team "I took a wrong turn and now I'm lost" he laughed and it made Me angry

"Where are you trying to go"

"I don't bloody know, Emoria had to do something so she didn't walk to class with me and now I'm lost"

"Well I'm pretty sure I saw a first year heading to Transfiguration so I think that's we're your supposed to go"

"Can you show me the way"

"I have a break so why not"
We began to walk down the changing staircases taking more twists and turns that I couldn't keep count of.

"How do you not remember wear your own class is"

"I don't know"
That was a lie, I was to distracted gazing into Emoria's eyes, they were so distracting the way they changed from steel to blue depending on her mood.

We made it to Transfiguration, I headed in trying not to get caught.

"Miss. Weasley what do you think your doing late, again"

"I'm sorry I got lost"

"A Weasley and a Slytherin what are we going to do with you"

The class laughed as she took a seat, Emoria was already there.
"Really, you came without me"

"Sorry I though you were already here"

"Yeah I bet you did"

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