2. professor snape

Start from the beginning

"I see," said the professor, disapprovingly. "I imagine she won't be pleased to see me, them. Still, needs must. Come with me, Mr. Potter, and we'll talk to her together."

Harry was glad of this, as he hadn't been looking forward to discussing Hogwarts with his relatives by himself. He followed Professor Snape to the front door, opening it from him and allowing him in.

It occurred to Harry that this might be a foolish thing to do - after all, he had no proof that Professor Snape was who he said he was. But who else would know about Hogwarts, or magic?

Harry headed into the kitchen while Professor Snape waited in the hallway impatiently.

"Aunt Petunia," Harry said, suddenly unsure what to say. Persephone shifted around his waist. "There's someone here to see you."

"What? Who is it, boy?" she snapped, wiping her hands on a dishcloth.

"It's a professor from Hogwarts," Harry said, waiting for her outrage. But he was surprised when she didn't shout. Instead, she paled, her face going white.

"What?" she whispered. "How do you know about that?"

"They sent me a letter," he said. "And I replied. Professor Snape is here to talk to me about it."

If it was possible, Aunt Petunia went even paler.

"Snape? Severus Snape?" she repeated, almost silently. Harry frowned. Did that mean she knew the professor? If so, did she know about Hogwarts? About magic?

Harry didn't get a chance to ask. Aunt Petunia stalked out of the kitchen and into the hall, Harry hurrying after her.

"You!" she screeched as soon as she set eyes on Professor Snape. "What are you doing here!?"

"As Mr. Potter apparently has no idea of his heritage," Professor Snape sneered, "he needs someone from Hogwarts to introduce him to it. Did you really keep it from him all these years, Petunia?"

She looked outraged.

"Of course we did!" she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "We weren't about to allow that - that unnaturalness into our home! Bad enough that we had to house and feed that freak!"

Professor Snape smiled. It was a nasty-looking thing, and Harry hoped never to see it directed at him. As far as his aunt's words, it was nothing new.

That didn't mean they didn't hurt, however.

"I see," he said softly. "So that's how it is, is it? Well, regardless of your feelings, your nephew will be going to Hogwarts."

"We won't be paying for him to learn magic nonsense!" she screeched.

"No need to worry," the professor said nastily. "The Potters were quite a wealthy family. I suspect Mr. Potter won't have to worry about money for quite some time."

Harry's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. He was rich? And he never knew.

Aunt Petunia's face went from pale white to a purplish red in her anger.

"Fine," she spat. "Fine. Take him! We'll be glad to be rid of him for the school year!"

She turned, headed out of the room, and slammed the door behind her. Harry looked up at Professor Snape, a little bit embarrassed at his Aunt's behavior, but mostly pleased that he had handled her.

"Er, sorry about that," he said awkwardly.

"It is certainly not your fault, Mr. Potter," Professor Snape said silkily. "Now, we should be off."

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