Is It To Late To Apologize?

Start from the beginning

"You think I'm stupid, don't you"? He back handed you across the face. You didnt say anything.

"Let's make a call shall we"? He pulled out his phone and put it on speaker.

"You make a peep, I'll slit your fucking throat". He snapped. You nodded your head.

"Hello"? Hanks voice was a relief to hear.

"Sergeant Hank Voight"?

"Yeah, who's this"?

"We'll be introduced soon, but have you seen that pretty little thing you call Y/N/N"?

"Who is this"? You heard Hank get distraught when he mentioned you.

"She is a lovely girl. I see why you're with her". He smirked when he took his thumb and raked it over your cheek.

"You lay one fucking finger on her, I'll kill you". Hank warned.

"To late". With that the kidnapper ended the call, stuffing the phone back into his pocket.

"You lied, he does still care about you". That landed you another back hand to the face. You whimpered, this one stung worse than the first one and you tasted blood.

"Now we wait". He walked away.

Hank got Mouse to try and trace the call  but it wasn't long enough to get a exact signal.

"Try her phone, she had it in her back pocket when I left her". Hank told Mouse as he typed on the computer.

"Her phone signal is at the building they're about to destroy today. I walked by there on my way to work this morning". Mouse informed Hank.

"What time was the destruction"?

"3 pm. You have forty five minutes to get there. All they have to do is click a button". Mouse sighed as he warned Hank while he ran down the stairs.

Hank floored the gas while dodging cars and stop lights. He wasn't going to let you get hurt because of him.

Hank hit the break as he pulled up to the building, he jumped out and ran up the steps. The door was ajar and he tiptoed in. He saw the wires for the explosives running along the floor.

Above him he heard boots hitting the floor so he dashed up the stairs and walked right into the lions den.

"Voight, you came". The kidnapper hand his hand around your throat as he backed away from Hank when he stepped closer. A gun pointed at Hank.

"Let her go. She has nothing to do with this. Take me".

"I want you to suffer the way I did when you gunned down my father. I want you to watch as I hurt her then while she lays there slowly dying in her own blood she will watch me take your life. It will be a beautiful moment for us all". He chuckled with evilness.

"Son, you dont want to do this. I'm sorry about your father but I had no choice".

"Everyone has a choice". He pulled the trigger, missing Hank by a inch from the head. You let out scream.

"Please, let her go. Just let her leave and then you can do whatever to me". 

"That's a really nice offer but I like my plan better". Just when he was about to pull the trigger directly on Hank a bullet came through the window and hit the kidnapper in the head, right between the eyes.

Letting out a scream you ran to Hank, he held you tight. He picked you up and carried you out of the building. Just in time too. The construction workers were already setting up.

The unit got the construction workers to hault their work and went inside to check the place out.

Hank rushed you to the standby ambulance. He made them check you over completely.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldnt have done what I did. It wasn't right to you. I'm sorry". Hank took your hand in his.

"I'm sorry too. Maybe I pressured you into committing to soon. We moved in fast and things might have gone further than we wanted".

"I wanted you to move in. I want a life with you. I just suck at this thing called love. I'm not a affection person and I dont know how to tell you that I really love you and I want you to be with me". Hank sighed with a frown.

"You just showed me. I knew that you were this hard brick wall that would stand through anything and you just showed me that you cared about me. You saved me. You would have given your life for me and that's love. Thank you but let's not do this again". This made Hank chuckle.

"So, are we still together"? He asked.

"Oh yeah. I wasn't going to leave. I couldn't.  I loved you to much".

"I love you too. I really mean it". You caressed his face, giving him a peck to the lips.

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