We stood, holding onto each other with our noses and foreheads touching, for a few more seconds before pecking at each other's lips and returning back to the boys.

"Needed a quick fuck or something?" Niall asked the second we stepped onto our individual markers that would lift us up onto the stage from underneath it, and of course Louis and I were separated by the three boys.

"Niall!" I yelped, but couldn't help but blush.

I could see Louis blushing too as he looked down at his feet, interlocking his fingers around his back.

"What? Did I say something offensive?" Niall asked the other boys who were practically falling off of their marks from laughing.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Liam laughed out.

I shook my head chuckling as I took a deep breath, preparing for what was about to happen.

"You boys ready?" Paul asked us, but I think we all knew he was mainly focusing that towards Louis and I.

We all nodded. Our laughs had seized into the air as we realized how life changing the next couple of hours would be. We all shared glances, explaining how important we all meant to each other without sharing a single word. And somehow, simultaneously, we all nodded in understanding.

The floor beneath us started to elevate and we started hearing the deafening screams of our fans. As our heads surfaced above the floor level, the lights from the spotlights, stage lights, and the fans' phones blinded us. It was that familiar rush that I got every time we started a performance. It was the instant flood of Adrenaline that made me so excited to start singing. It was home.

I immediately started dancing around the stage, advancing towards the front of the stage and interacting with the fans as Liam started his solo of Live While We're Young. I waved to a few girls who were wearing shirts that had "Niall We Love You!" written on them. They practically fainted. I hope they're okay.

I kept aware of where Louis was during the entire song, making sure we weren't giving anything away too early. We wanted to keep it a surprise for the end.

As we started singing our second song, I passed a girl with Larry written on her arm. What's the harm? I asked myself as I gave her a thumbs up. I almost fell from laughing at how loudly she screamed.

I turned and saw Louis giving me the biggest smile, noticing what I had done. I winked at him and I guess I was on the big screen when I did that because the crowd went wild with cheers. Louis tripped over himself from laughing so hard and I couldn't help but blush as I heard someone scream, "Larry Stylinson forever!", cause I mean, did she lie?

The rest of the concert was amazing. It was probably one of my favorite concerts, and we hadn't even gotten to the big part yet. Every song seemed flawless and every solo had a bigger rush than the last.

I had given Louis a high five during One Thing and pointed at him at the end of Kiss You, both of those times driving the crowd wild. I loved how much they loved us. I don't know why I was so worried, we have the best fans in the world.

Behind Simon's back, who was watching the show from backstage, we had arranged with the tech crew to change up the set list a bit. Since the set list is public to the fans, we knew they were waiting for What Makes You Beautiful to be the closing song, so the crowd flooded with confusion when we sang it around the middle of the performance. We had a different idea for a closing song.

As the show came to the end, I shared an excitedly nervous glance with all of the boys. I paused when I locked eye contact with Louis as we both told each other "I love you" by secretly making a thumbs up and twiddling our thumb up and down. It was our secret way to tell each other that we love each other. Sneaky, I know.

I felt my breathing increase and my nerves heighten as we got into formation. I sat on a step in the middle of the stage, next to Niall with his guitar, and Liam was on a separate step about five feet from me, and Louis sat next to Zayn on a third step.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me,"

Zayn started his solo and the crowd erupted with cheers. We had purposely asked for no music intro so that the fans would have no idea what song was going to play until someone started singing. This was all acoustic, with the help of Niall and his guitar. We wanted this to be a moment between us and the fans. No band, no tech crew, no Simon. Just One Direction and the people they loved so dearly.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,"

I peered over at Louis a bit and we exchanged nervous glances, but for the most part we were so ready. Ready for everything to be out. Ready to be rid of Simon. Ready to be able to love each other openly. Ready for everything.

Liam finished up his solo and we all joined together for the chorus. I felt the temperature in my body rise as Louis's verse got closer and closer.

We had spent a bit of time before the show changing up the lyrics a bit. We all sort of hated the lyrics that we were forced to sing. They were such a back-handed compliment, so we decided to put pen to paper, Louis doing most of the writing because man is that boy talented, and came up with our own version.

"You can't got to bed, without a cup of tea"

"Maybe that's the reason, you sing to me in your sleep"

"And all the conversations that we have behind closed doors"

"He's so perfect to me"

The crowd went silent.

"It's always been my dream, to hold your hand in mine"

"With no pain, from rumors and the lies"

"I've loved you from the start, I hope everyone agrees,"

"Lou, you're so perfect to me."

The arena went silent as Louis and I stood from our spots. Zayn, Niall, and Liam scooched closer to each other as I walked over to Louis.

I almost forgot that we were in front of a whole audience as I took Louis's hands in mine. We sang together for the rest of the song, which we had shortened to one more chorus, as the boys did small vocals in the back. Of course Liam had to beatbox during this sentimental and beautiful moment.

"I won't let these little things, come between us right now,"

"He never knew, he never knew, oh he never knew, how much I loved you"

That line we had written especially salty for Simon.

"I'm in love with you, and all our little things."

Niall slowly faded his strumming out as I stared into Louis's eyes. I almost leaned in and kissed him right there, but realized how eerily quiet it was. We both turned in confusion as to why everyone was quiet. Our eyes met a crowd of thousands of people, with tears in their eyes and their hands on my mouth.

I tightened my hold around Louis's hand, afraid and anxious for what was to come.

But it was beautiful.

It was absolutely stunning.

The crowd erupted with screams, so loud I had to cover my ears and Louis pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arm around my head, laughing with so much joy. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I looked out at the crowd of people, all chanting "We love you!" in unison. It was perfect.

We had done it.

We were out.

So I kissed him.




What I would give for this to happen in real life, I stg

Favorite song off of Heartbreak Weather?

Mine is Still omg such a beauty

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now