Chapter One: Modded VR Minecraft with (most of) the Crew!

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"So you guys ready?" Zak asked excitedly into his mic, where him and his friends, Techno, Vincent, Darryl, George(NotFound), Geo(rge)(Spifey), Clay, Zelk, and Nick, were in a Discord call together. They were going to play modded VR Minecraft as a big group. Skeppy has created the server and added the mods in, but didn't tell the others. Sadly, a lot weren't able to make it, like Harvey, Tommy, Wilbur, and others, but they decided nine people was enough for a pretty entertaining video. For many this was their first time trying out VR Minecraft, but some have done it before.

"Oh my goodness yes!" Darryl replied in his usual cheery tone. "Of course I'm ready! I've never actually tried this before!"

"Yep. My headset is ready and everything," Vincent stated in his thick French accent.

"Same here!" Zelk exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too," Dream joined in.

"Alright! Let's get goin' then!" Techno exclaimed, sounding actually excited for once. 

"I mean, sure," George chuckled after he replied in his own British accent. "I'm nervous though. I've heard it can be dizzying."

"Yeah wait...are we sure we should do this? What if we like, get stuck in it or something? I dunno..." Darryl asked, slightly concerned.

"I think it's a great idea! We haven't done many things together as this big of a group before, or at least in a while, right? It'll be fun!" Skeppy giggled.

"That's true, and I have done VR Minecraft before. For a whole 24 hours too." Vincent responded. "I also did an VR RLCraft miniseries a while back, but that was really... something—" He laughed. "But I'm sure we'll be fiiine," he reassured.

"Come on! Let's get going!" Techno interrupted, getting bored while waiting for the others.

"Okay okay," Sapnap replied, rolling his eyes in a joking matter. 

"Soo everyone's on the server already, right?" Geo asked.

They all agreed. "So we all just put the headsets on at the same time then?" Jack checked with the rest of the group. There were some more yes's and mhm's throughout the group.

"Okay on the count of three, put your headsets on!" Skep exclaimed.





They pulled them over their eyes.

And then it all went black. 

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