II - Different Paths

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September 1st, 1993

          There I was, seven years later, sitting by the Slytherin table in the  Great Hall, waiting for the first-year students to arrive

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There I was, seven years later, sitting by the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, waiting for the first-year students to arrive. Next to me, was my best friend to whom I had just finished re-telling my first encounter with Oliver Wood.

''I don't remember you being such a shy and polite gal back in the day. You're much cooler now, thankfully,'' Elsie said and laughed.

Elsie Saunders had been my best friend here since our week at Hogwarts when we both snuck out of the Slytherin Common room. ''but I don't think Oliver has changed much. He is still the same, brittle and adorable Oli...''

''Shut it El, please,'' I snapped and smirked. I couldn't stand when she teased me about my relationship with Oliver. The thing was, that we weren't exactly going out, but we both were quite of what we were.

''Did he write this summer at least?'' she asked while looking at the main door opening. Many first years, accompanied by Professor McGonagall finally came in. They all walked to the front of the hall, waiting to be sorted. I glanced at Oliver, sitting by the Gryffindor table. He was looking at Professor Dumbledore, but looked at me quickly, giving me a shy smile. I turned my head back to Elsie.

''We only exchanged a few letters, but they were mostly about summer trips, homework and Hogwarts. Nothing special, otherwise I would have told you.'' I replied and looked at Dumbledore, who stood up to give a speech. ''It doesn't seem like he wants to be my boyfriend or he would have written something at least romantic.''

''You know Oliver, he's very bad at these things,'' Elsie added while patting my back lightly. ''I'm sure you remember the kiss from last year, right?''

It was true and I remembered it very well. At the end of last year, as we were walking towards the Hogwarts Express to go home, he pulled me aside from everyone and we shared our first kiss. My feelings had been strong for Oliver since the day we met but had changed from a friendship to an emotional connection. We both felt something but never knew how to show it to each other. Over the summer, we had lost the romantic side of our relationship and went back to the basics.

''Yes, I'm just kind of sad that everything died down during the summer. We could have spent a lot of time together. This year is my last chance to tell him how I feel, you know, just explain things.'' I replied, explaining my thoughts.

''Well, then it's just enough time to put your thoughts all together and tell him. Otherwise, you'll regret it later.'' Elsie said and looked at Dumbledore who had just finished his speech. ''Look, Dumbledore just finished his long speech, the feast will begin and then we'll be going to the Dungeons. Don't you want to catch up with Oliver afterward?''

''Oh I don't know, El.'' I looked over at the Gryffindor table again. Oliver was having a conversation with Fred, seemed like they were talking about Quidditch as always since Oliver looked very excited and happy. ''Don't you think it would be unnatural to immediately look for him when everyone is going to their dormitories?''

''Sheryl, just courage up! I'm sure he won't reject you or say something rude.'' Elsie said as magnificent plates of food and shiny glasses of different drinks showed up on the table. She instantly took a huge bite out of a chicken leg and drank some apple juice. She then continued to encourage me to talk to Oliver even with a mouthful of chicken.

''You're probably right,'' I agreed and took a small bite from a warm, crunchy toast with some bacon on it. A toast with bacon was one of my favorite meals to eat and taking the bite reminded me how much I had missed Hogwarts and magic during the summer.

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