Death in the eyes of a lover

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Tell me..

They explored the building a little more. Kokichi found a building with the planets. "Hey kaito look."

"Its so cool! One day im gonna go to the moon!"


"A bet it is sidekick!"

Hey, its me...

Shuichi simply tilted his head trying to remember the reason they first came their.  Then the thought hit him.

Do you see?

He shook his head and simply smiled. Kokichi pointed all the planets and named them on by one. He even gave little facts about them to kaito....not that he could ever use them tho...

What i see?

How the sky is blue

"H-hey kaito imagine standing on a star?" "That would be hella cool! Where'd you gst that idea?"

Kokichi twiddled with his fingers trying to find a topic that wasn't sad or weird. "Em...Well i thought it would be kinda cool to imagine"

Oh how can i get through to you?

"Kaito what makes you love the stars so much?",maki played with a little star.
"Hmm...Well i just feel as though im connected to them..."

Kokichi's ingame was triggered by this statement. Shuichi looked at kokichi for a second before noticing something didnt seem right.  "Pffftt",kokichi silently laughed. "What the-",shuichi was cut off by laugh.
  "AHAHAHA the idiot said some that was deep!",kokichi laughed. "Im not an idiot!" "Weren't you a shy bunny seconds ago?",maki tilted her head innocently.

"What?!-", kokichi's pregame came back in contact before he could say more.  "U-um...i-im sorry about that".

Shuichi turned his head and silently laughed.  

How at the sky The clouds are out of reach. Oh how can i ever make you see?

"Lets go to the park now. Its really cold in here"



They walked to a park and shewd  (i cant spell-) Kaito to the side. "Okay we take turnes talking to him. We have 1 hour left. Kokichi,shuichi then me. Sound good?" "Yup" "great!" 

Shuichi and make set up a hidden camera to record their last minutes with kaito. "H-hey kaito! Over here!",kokichi called kaito to sit with him him.

Tell me...

"Where's maki and shuichi?"
"O-oh um...they'll be back soon. Do you mind if i ask a few questions?"
"Sure i guess"

"If their was a chance you could meet the stars...would you take it?"

Hey its you see I really had known all along . I know that you were already gone.

"Well depends what it is. Im not that stupid ahahaha"

"Death, in its worst form"


"Kaito the stars are millions of lights in the you think their are stars in Heaven?"( aye dont bring religion into this. It has nothing to do with that. Some people believe in Heaven others don't simple)   

"Um...i guess it depends how high?"

Kokichi turned to star at kaito with the dullest eyes a person could have. "Momoto-kun if you ever meet the stars can you keep a promise?"

An Emotionless GrapeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz