2: The Accident

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((Listen to beside you while reading))

Calum: Hey babe, I'm out, do you want anything in particular for lunch I'm thinking I can pick something up and bring it back and we can have a little date :)

Y/n: Sounds perfect! Anything your in the mood for.

Calum: Also, bringing a movie and some snacks

Y/n: Bring ice cream?

Calum: Mint chip, just the way you like ;)

Y/n: God I love you

Calum: I love you too ❤️

Y/n: oh god

Y/n: Oh god Calum answer me

Y/n: I'm on the way to the hospital right now

Y/n: Your mom just called

Y/n: Oh my gosh Calum

Y/n: I love you I love you please be okay

Y/n: oh gosh... Oh gosh...

Y/n: Calum...

Y/n: Ashton needs to drive faster

Y/n: I can't I can't I can't...

Y/n: Calum please be okay

Y/n: please, I love you so much

Y/n: I don't need ice cream

Y/n: I don't fucking need anything

Y/n: I just need you

Y/n: I need you back and awake and not lying on that hospital bed unconscious

Y/n: I need you back...

Y/n: I can't breath

Y/n: it doesn't feel right knowing you're not alright

Y/n: I miss you

Y/n: I love you

Y/n: I'm going to sleep baby

Y/n: I love you so much

Calum: Hi ❤️



Y/n: Babe I love you so much

Calum: I love you too, haha

Calum: But uh, one question

Y/n: Yeah?

Y/n: Do you need something?

Calum: Just one thing

Calum: Who are you?

Y/n: Cal, you don't remember me?

Calum: No sorry

Calum: I don't even know why I'm in the hospital

Calum: I saw all of your messages though

Y/n: I'm your girlfriend

Calum: Well, judging by your contact photo you're gorgeous

Calum: But idk how dating a girl I don't remember is work

Y/n: You can't remember at all?

Calum: I'm so sorry

Calum: I... Damn it, I'm trying

Calum: Sometimes I think I remember but then I think I'm making things up

Calum: I'm sorry

Calum: I can't

Calum: I can't do it yet

Y/n: I can wait

Calum: I can't promise you

Y/n: I can deal with a chance


Y/n: Seven months since the accident

Calum: I'm mad you have so many more memories of us than I do :( so unfair

Y/n: I'm just glad I have you back

Y/n: I almost lost you...

Calum: I almost lost YOU

Calum: You could've left me

Calum: But you stayed

Calum: And I'm so fucking glad you did

Calum: I love you ❤️


But anyway I usually don't like when it says y/n because I dONT SEE MY NAME I FUCKINF SEE Y/N
But yeah anyway I had to put y/n bc what else would I put am I right.

I'm out ✌️

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